Academic Map


ACADEMIC MAP (Effective Summer 2025 and after)

*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*

This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed to the right of each term are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. The Sample Schedule serves as a general guideline to help you build a full schedule each term. The General Education and Elective courses must be selected to satisfy all area and diversity requirements unless your program meets these requirements with major courses. Milestones are courses and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major. Missing milestones will result in one of two types of map registration stops. The first level (Degree Map Off-track) is placed following grade posting if the student has missed a milestone (course and/or GPA) for the first time in the major. If a student is in non-compliance with milestones for two (2) consecutive semesters (excluding summers), a Major Change Required stop is placed on the student's registration.

Anthropology is the scientific study of humankind in relation to origin, physical characteristics, distribution, customs, languages, and social and religious practices and beliefs. Both biological and cultural factors are examined as a basis for a better understanding of human history and behavior.

Mapping Coordinator: Shellie Camp

Sample Schedule and Required Milestones by Term

Sample Schedule: Term 1 hrs
ENC1101 Freshman Composition3
ANT2410 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3
1st GE Mathematics3
Digital Literacy course (CGS2060 or 2100)3
GE History3
Required Milestones: Term 1
Complete ENC1101 ( ≥ C minus )
Sample Schedule: Term 2 hrs
ENC2135 Research, Genre, and Context 3
ANT2100 Introduction to Archaeology and Lab4
GE Social Science3
GE Core Humanities/Cultural Practice3
Required Milestones: Term 2
Complete ENC2135 ( ≥ C minus )
Complete 1st GE Mathematics course ( ≥ C minus )
Sample Schedule: Term 3 hrs
ANT2511 Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Lab4
2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics3
GE Humanities/Cultural Practice3
GE Core Natural Science with Lab4
Required Milestones: Term 3
no milestones
Sample Schedule: Term 4 hrs
Anthropology 3/4000-level elective3
GE Natural Science3
GE Ethics3
Foreign Language4
Elective or minor3
Required Milestones: Term 4
Complete 2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics course ( ≥ C minus )
Complete 6 hours of ANTXXXX courses, Elective Courses can be 3000-4000 level ( ≥ C minus in each)
Sample Schedule: Term 5 hrs
ANT3610 Language and Culture3
ANT4034 History of Anthropology3
Oral Communication Competency3
Foreign Language4
Required Milestones: Term 5
Complete a total of 3 hours of upper division Anthropology electives ( ≥ C minus )
Complete ANT2100 or ANT2410 or ANT2511 ( ≥ C minus )
Civic Literacy requirement
Sample Schedule: Term 6 hrs
Anthropology 3/4000-level3
Anthropology 3/4000-level3
Foreign Language4
Required Milestones: Term 6
Request graduation checks at Registrar and Arts & Sciences
Complete ANT2100, ANT2410 and ANT2511 ( ≥ C minus in each)
Complete a total of 9 hours of upper division Anthropology electives ( ≥ C minus in each)
Sample Schedule: Term 7 hrs
Anthropology 3/4000-level3
Elective 3/4000 level3
Elective 3/4000 level3
Elective 3/4000 level3
Required Milestones: Term 7
Complete a total of 12 hours of upper division Anthropology electives ( ≥ C minus in each )
Complete ANT3610 and ANT4034 ( ≥ C minus in each)
Sample Schedule: Term 8 hrs
Anthropology 3/4000-level3
Elective 3/4000 level3
Elective 3/4000 level3
Required Milestones: Term 8
Apply for graduation in 1st two weeks
Complete all Anthropology major requirements



Employment Information

Salary Information: For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Representative Job Titles Related to this Major(Baccalaureate level): Museum Technician, museum specialist, laboratory assistant/technician, archaeological field/laboratory technician, curation assistant, conservation technician, technical writer, illustrator, archivist, museum/collections cataloguer. Master's degree level: All of the above, plus archaeology field crew chief, principal investigator, GIS specialist, project leader, curator, cultural resource manager, archaeologist, cultural anthropologist, physical/biological anthropologist, anthropologist .

Representative Employers: Bureau of Archaeological Research, Department of Community Affairs (State of Florida), National Park Service, Department of State, U.S. Information Agency, National Forest Service, United States Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Florida Park Service, Bureau of Ocean Energy and Management, Museums, Native American tribes, Non-profit Organizations, Universities, Research Organizations, Consulting Firms.