Program Guide


College: Fine Arts
Degree: BFA
Specialized Admission: Yes

Contact: Jeffrey Bray
Address: 202 Montgomery Hall, FSU Tallahassee, FL 32306
Phone: (850) 644-1023


Description of Major

*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*

A major in Dance prepares the student for a career in performance, choreography, and teaching and many of our graduates combine these three areas in their professional lives. Performance opportunities are varied and range from work with professional companies to regional dance organizations, and from resident to touring engagements. Choreographic opportunities may be found in professional or civic companies, in university and college programs, in plays and musicals, movies and television. Teaching opportunities may be found in universities, colleges, primary and secondary schools, privately owned studios, civic organizations, or combinations of these. The dance major combines studio and stage practices with contextual study of dance history, critical theory, dance technology, somatics, and dance sciences. This prepares graduates for a multitude of additional vocational avenues in the field, including but not limited to continue academic dance study, archival preservation, dance curation, arts administration, bourgeoning screen dance and dance for camera industries, and the growing realm of dancer wellness, conditioning, and injury risk management programs. To learn more, visit

Prerequisite Coursework

Any 24 hours selected from the following; all may also apply toward the major:
DAN X610 (3) Rhythmic Analysis or DAN X600
DAN X611 (3) Music & Choreography or DAN X601
DAA X610 (2) Dance Composition
DAA X611 (2) Dance Composition
DAA X680 (2) or lower level repertory courses in the 400-499 series
DAA X681 (2) Dance Performance (or lower level repertory courses in the 400-499 series)
DAA X200-X209 (up to 8 hrs) Lower level ballet technique courses
DAA X100-X109 (up to 8 hrs) Lower level modern technique courses

Note: State-wide common prerequisites are always under review. For the most current information and for acceptable alternative courses, visit the “Common Prerequisites Manual.” This is available from the “Student Services” section of .


Requirements for Admission into the Major
All BFA, MA (Studio and Related Studies) and MFA students who wish to major in dance must audition for admission into the dance program. Students may be admitted into the major as early as the freshman year. Screening of each dance major occurs at various times throughout the year to determine if the student should continue in the major program. Such assessment is part of a continuous advisement procedure whereby a student may receive specific advisement concerning potentialities, problems and progress. Maintenance of a satisfactory academic standing is required in addition to specified levels of progress in dance technique. Any break in enrollment of more than one academic year will require another audition for readmission.

Major Program of Studies at FSU: (91 hours)
In order to graduate, students must:
1) achieve and maintain either the Ballet II-2 level and the Contemporary Dance II-1 level or the Ballet II-1 and Contemporary II-2 levels by one semester prior to graduation;
2) complete all coursework requirements (General Education and major); and
3) meet the designated requirements for performing and production experiences.

They are also required to participate in four performance experiences (one each year) sponsored by the school.

Dance Technique: Students must take 30 hours at the appropriate technical level and attain the proficiency requirements.

The student enrolls in both ballet and contemporary dance throughout enrollment as a dance major except in the following two instances: (a) during Summer session, students may elect to take only one of the technique courses (either ballet or contemporary dance); (b) if students have achieved and maintained the required proficiency levels in technique for at least one semester they may elect to take only one of the technique courses (either ballet or contemporary dance) during one of the last two semesters before graduation. Students who enroll in the Arts in NYC program do not have this option.

Dance Technique (30 hrs. minimum):
DAA 3208r (1-3) Ballet I
DAA 3209r (1-3) Ballet II
DAA 4210r (1-3) Ballet III
DAA 3108r (1-3) Contemporary Dance I
DAA 3109r (1-3) Contemporary Dance II
DAA 4110r (1-3) Contemporary Dance III

Composition and Repertory (10 hrs. minimum):
DAA 2610 (2) Dance Composition
DAN 2611 (3) Music and Choreography
DAA 3614 (3) Dance Composition
DAA 3654r (2) Choreography-Repertory

Other Required Dance Courses (40 hrs.):
DAN 2101 (3) Introduction to the Dance Profession
DAN 2500 (1) Introduction to Design
DAN 2610 (3) Rhythmic Analysis
DAN 3144 (3) Cultural Perspectives on Dance
DAN 3145 (3) Classical Perspectives on Dance
DAN 3146 (3) Contemporary Perspectives on Dance
DAN 3400 (3) Movement Analysis
DAN 3504 (2) Dance Production
DAN 3584 (1) Dance Theatre Lab
DAN 3714 (3) Dance Kinesiology
DAN 3744 (2) Dance Conditioning
DAN 4418 (3) Survey of Dance Technologies
DAN 4971 (3) Senior Capstone Experience
DAA 1680, 2681, 3684, 4685 (1, 1, 1, 1) Dance Ensemble (min. 1 hr. required)
DAE 3384 (3) Methods & Materials in Dance Education
Dance Electives (11-15 hrs.) Students should consult with the school advisor to select appropriate dance electives.

Digital Literacy: (3 hours)
Students must choose a University approved course to meet this requirement.

Oral Communication Competency: (0-3 hours)
Students must demonstrate the ability to orally transmit ideas and information clearly. This requirement may be met with an approved college-level course.

Minimum Program Requirements - Summary
Total Hrs. Required 128
General Education 36*
Major Coursework 91
Minor Coursework 0
Digital Literacy 3 beyond major
Oral Communication Competency 0-3
Other Coursework 0
Electives to bring total hours to 128

*At FSU, two Dance History and Critical Theory courses may also apply as part of General Education. Students who select this option must select an equivalent number of elective hours to reach the 128 hours required for graduation.


Mapping is FSU’s academic advising and monitoring system. Academic progress is monitored each Fall and Spring semester to ensure that students are on course to earn their degree in a timely fashion. Transfer students must meet mapping guidelines to be accepted into their majors. You may view the map for this major at


1. A minimum of 45 hours at the 3000 level or above, 30 of which must be taken at this University.
2. Half of the major course semester hours must be completed in residence at this University.
3. The final 30 hours must be completed in residence at this University.

Employment Information

Salary Information: For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Representative Job Titles Related to this Major: Professional Dancer, Artistic Director, Choreographer, Rehearsal Director, Ballet Mistress/Master, Teacher of Ballet and/or Contemporary Dance Technique, Dance Company Manager, Production Manager for a Dance Company, Theme Entertainment Resort Performer, Cruise Industry Performer, Dance Critic, Dance Technology Specialist. With further study: Dance Therapist, University Dance Professor, Dance Historian, Dance Archivist, Certified Fitness Trainer, Certified Pilates Trainer, Dance Dramaturg.

Representative Employers: Dance Companies, Private Dance Studios, Fitness studios, Theatre Companies, College and Universities, Movies, Television, Arts Non-profit & Educational Agencies, Public and Private Schools (with teaching certification), Theme Parks, Cruise lines.