Program Guide
Engineering (Chemical)
College: Engineering
Degree: BS
Specialized Admission: No
Address: 2525 Pottsdamer St., Suite B111 Tallahassee, FL 32310
Phone: (850) 410-6349
*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*
Chemical engineering encompasses the development, application, and operation of processes in which chemical, biological, and/or physical changes of material are involved. The work of the chemical engineer is to analyze, develop, design, control, construct, and/or supervise chemical processes in research and development, pilot-scale operations, and industrial production. The undergraduate curriculum emphasizes the application of experimental and computer analysis to classical chemical engineering principles. This includes laboratory instruction in modern, state-of-the-art facilities in the transport phenomena, unit operations, and process control laboratories. Students are instructed in and utilize state-of-the-art computational programs such as Aspen. MATLAB, and COMSOL Multiphysics. In order to meet students interests in chemical engineering and related fields, elective courses are available in bioengineering, polymer engineering, materials engineering, electrochemical engineering, environmental engineering, and biomedical engineering. The major in Chemical-Materials Engineering builds upon the core classical chemical engineering principles developed initially for the original major in Chemical Engineering. Consult an advisor for specific requirements for the two major options.
The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. (ABET) requires that all students graduating from an ABET-accredited program meet certain requirements. Completion of the A.A. degree will not meet these requirements. Prospective majors should select courses after consulting an advisor.
Students must complete the following prerequisites required for admission in preparation for the upper division major. Students are encouraged to complete these in the freshman and sophomore years. All may also apply to other requirements.
The State of Florida has identified common program prerequisites for this university degree program. Specific prerequisites are required for admission into the upper-division program and must be completed by the student at either:
a) a state college or community college in Florida,
b) a state university in Florida, or
c) FSU or FAMU prior to being admitted to this program.
Students may be admitted into the University without completing the prerequisites but may not be formally admitted into the program until completion of these prerequisites.
The following are the state-wide common prerequisites. Those in BOLD are the required prerequisites that students must complete for admission into this major at FSU in preparation for the upper division major. Those in ITALIC are strongly encouraged to be taken. Students are encouraged to complete these in the freshman and sophomore years. All may also apply to other requirements. This program will be operated using the existing common program prerequisites:
MAC X311 (4) Calculus I or MACX281 (4) Engineering Calculus I
MAC X312 Calculus II (4) or MACX282 (4) Engineering Calculus II
MAC X313 Calculus III (4) or MAC X283 (4) Engineering Calculus III
MAPX302 (3) Ordinary Differential Equations or MAP X305(3) Engineering Math I
CHM X045/X045L (4) or CHM X045C (4) General Chemistry I and Lab, or CHS X440/X440L (4) or CHM X095/X095L (4)
CHM X046/X046L (4) or CHM X046C or C (4) General Chemistry II and Lab or CHMX096/X096L
PHY X048/X048L (4) or PHY X048C (4) General Physics A with Lab or PHY X043 and PHY X048L
PHY X049/X049L (4) or PHY X049C (4) General Physics B with Lab or PHY X044 and PHY X049L
*PHY X064L may substitute for PHYX048L and PHY X049L
1. The Department requires ECH 3301 Process Analysis and Design and will only accept MAP X302 or MAP X305 for transfer students.
2. The Department recommends (but does not require) that students take the following courses at a community college or a state college before transferring to this upper-division program:
• BSC X010 or BSC X044
• CHM 2210
• CHM 2211
Completion of these courses may be satisfied as graduation requirements in the upper division portion of the major.
Note: State-wide common prerequisites are always under review. For the most current information and for acceptable alternative courses, visit the “Common Prerequisites Manual.” This is available from the “Student Services” section of .
RequirementsPre-Engineering Program Requirements:
All students are placed in a Pre-Major Engineering code until all of the prerequisites have been completed. Students must earn a grade of "C minus" or better on the first attempt of the courses designated in our Pre-Engineering curriculum (Calculus I, Calculus II, General Chemistry I, First Year Engineering Lab) at any institution attended. One repeated attempt out of all pre-engineering courses is permitted.
Requirements for Progression to the Upper-Division:
To be admitted, students must complete at least 52 hours of credit with an FSU GPA of a 2.00, including at least one-half of the required hours in the General Education program, including all of the Area I English and math. In addition, the following requirements must be met: a grade of "C minus" or better in MAC2311. Students must not be in violation of the pre-engineering program requirements.
Transfer Requirements:
Students wishing to transfer into the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering must meet the following criteria:
• Must earn a grade of "C minus" or better on the first attempt of the courses designated in the Pre-Engineering curriculum (Calculus I, Calculus II, General Chemistry I, First Year Engineering Lab) at any institution attended. One repeated attempt out of all pre-engineering courses is permitted.
• Transfer students who have one repeated attempt in the pre-engineering courses, must have already completed all pre-engineering courses (excluding First Year Engineering Lab).
• Transfer students who will earn an AA or have more than 60 hours of transfer credit prior to enrollment at the College must have completed at least Calculus I. It is strongly preferred that AA transfer students have the majority of the pre-engineering courses completed before arriving (excluding First Year Engineering Lab).
Major Program of Studies at FSU: (107 hours)
The prepared, motivated student with proper high school preparation can complete a Chemical Engineering degree in four to five years by taking a course load averaging 15-18 hours each semester supplemented by taking courses during summer terms. Some students may require additional terms to complete the program. A student with superior training may gain advanced placement through programs for acceleration (credit by exam, high school dual-enrollment). Students may choose to specialize in any of the two majors through the selection of Advanced Chemistry and Chemical Engineering electives. Both majors require the same number of credit hours. Visit the current departmental curriculum guide: .
Unless otherwise noted, students must complete all major coursework with a final grade of C or better.
Math/ Basic Science: (34 hours)
MAC 2311 (4) Calculus I
MAC 2312 (4) Calculus II
MAC 2313 (5) Calculus III
CHM 1045, 1045L (3,1) General Chemistry I and Lab
CHM 1046, 1046L (3,1) General Chemistry II and Lab
BSC 2010 (3) Biological Science I
PHY 2048C (5) General Physics A with Lab
PHY 2049C (5) General Physics B with Lab
Advanced Chemistry: (6 hours)
CHM 2210 (3) Organic Chemistry I
CHM 2211 (3) Organic Chemistry II
General Engineering: (8 hours)
EGN 1004L (1) First Year Engineering Lab
EGM 3512 (4) Engineering Mechanics
EEL 3003 (3) Introduction to Electrical Engineering
Chemical Engineering Science and Design: (59 hours)
ECH 3023 (3) Mass and Energy Balances I
ECH 3024 (4) Mass and Energy Balances II
ECH 3101 (3) Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
ECH 3266 (3) Transport Phenomena I
ECH 3274L (3) Transport Phenomena Lab
ECH 3301 (4) Process Analysis and Design (required for non-transfer students and for transfer students not previously having taken MAP 2302)
ECH 3418 (3) Separations Processes
ECH 3844 (3) Chemical Engineering Statistics
ECH 3854 (4) Chemical Engineering Computations
ECH 4267 (3) Transport Phenomena II
ECH 4323 (3) Process Control
ECH 4323L (1) Process Control Lab
ECH 4404L (3) Unit Operations Lab
ECH 4504 (3) Kinetics and Reactor Design
ECH 4604 (4) Chemical Engineering Process Design I
ECH 4615 (3) Chemical Engineering Process Design II
ECH 4XXX or BME 4XXX (9) Chemical Engineering Electives
Digital Literacy: (0 hours beyond major)
ECH 3854 (4) Chemical Engineering Computations meets this requirement for the major.
Oral Communication Competency: (0 hours beyond major)
Students must demonstrate the ability to orally transmit ideas and information clearly. The required course ECH 3274L (3) Transport Phenomena Lab meets the FSU Oral Communications Competency requirement.
Scholarship in Practice coursework: (0 hours beyond major)
The required courses of ECH 4604 (4) Chemical Engineering Process Design I and ECH 4615 (3) Chemical Engineering Process Design II meets this FSU graduation requirement.
Upper Division Writing: (0 hours beyond major)
The required course of ECH 4404L (3) Unit Operations Lab meets this FSU graduation requirement.
Minimum Program Requirements - Summary
Total Hrs. Required: 128
General Education: 21*
Major Coursework: 107*
Minor Coursework: 0
Digital Literacy: 0 beyond other requirements
Oral Communication Competency: 0 beyond other requirements
Scholarship in Practice: 0 beyond other requirements
Upper Division Writing: 0 beyond other requirements
Electives: 0
*Note: Engineering students satisfy the natural science and the mathematics area requirements of General Education through coursework in the Engineering Core. Students not prepared to begin mathematics with Calculus I (MAC 2311) will need to take additional prerequisite hours in mathematics: MAC 1105, 1114, and/or 1140. All students should take the math placement test (ALEKS) to determine proper placement.
MappingMapping is FSU’s academic advising and monitoring system. Academic progress is monitored each Fall and Spring semester to ensure that students are on course to earn their degree in a timely fashion. Transfer students must meet mapping guidelines to be accepted into their majors. You may view the map for this major at
Remarks1. A minimum of 45 hours at the 3000 level or above, 30 of which must be taken at this University.
2. Half of the major course semester hours must be completed in residence at this University.
3. The final 30 hours must be completed in residence at this University.
Salary Information: For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Representative Job Titles Related to this Major: Chemical Engineer, Petroleum Engineer, Environmental Engineer, Biomedical Engineer, Biochemical Engineer, Design Engineer, Food Engineer, Development Engineer, Polymer Engineer, Project Engineer, Process Engineer, Research Engineer, Materials Engineer.
Representative Employers: The work of the chemical engineer is to analyze, develop, design, control, construct, and/or supervise chemical processes in research and development, pilot-scale operations, and industrial production. The graduate in chemical engineering is particularly versatile. Industrial work may involve the production, operation, or research departments of chemical or allied plants, such as inorganic chemicals (e.g., acids, alkalis, pigments, fertilizers), organic chemicals (e.g., petroleum, petrochemicals, polymers, fuels, propellants, plastics, pharmaceuticals, specialty chemicals), biological products (e.g., enzymes, vaccines, biochemicals, biofuels), materials (e.g., ceramics, polymeric materials, paper, biomaterials), and foods. Employment is also available in the technical service, process improvement, or environmental compliance sections of such industries. Graduate education in chemical engineering, biomedical engineering, medical school, dental school, business school, law school, and other science or engineering disciplines are viable alternatives for the more accomplished graduate. Research and development work or policy analysis at governmental agencies, and university/college teaching are other employment options.