Program Guide


College: Arts and Sciences
Degree: BA
Specialized Admission: No

Contact: Chris O'Neal
Address: Department of Classics
Phone: (850) 644-4259
Description of Major

*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*

The Department of Classics offers major programs in Ancient History, Classical Archaeology, Classical Civilization, Greek, Latin, and Latin-Greek. Emphasis in all courses is on critical thinking and analysis coupled with effective speaking and writing skills. Students who major in Classics regularly pursue careers in business, education, government, law, and other fields that require a broad liberal arts background. A joint major in Classics and Religion is also offered.

Prospective transfer students should contact (Arts & Sciences Admissions) with specific questions about admission and mapping requirements.

Prerequisite Coursework

Six (6) to twelve (12) semester hours of an approved language or demonstration of proficiency by testing or completion of intermediate level is required.

It is recommended that the lower-level courses be taken during the freshman and sophomore years.

Note: State-wide common prerequisites are always under review. For the most current information and for acceptable alternative courses, visit the “Common Prerequisites Manual.” This is available from the “Student Services” section of .


Requirements for graduation in the College of Arts and Sciences include:
The College of Arts and Science requires proficiency in a foreign language through the intermediate (2220 or equivalent) level or sign language through the advanced (2614 or equivalent) level.

Requirements for Progression to the Upper-Division Major
Students must complete at least 52 hours of credit with a minimum grade point average of 2.00, at least half the required General Education requirements, including English and mathematics, or an A.A. Degree.

Major Program of Studies at FSU: (30 hours)

Thirty (30) hours of courses in Latin language, Roman history, and culture, to include:
1) Fifteen (15) hours of courses in Latin above the 2000-level, with at least six (6) hours at the 4000 level
2) Three (3) hours of coursework in Roman Archaeology (ARH 3150)
3) Three (3) hours of coursework in Roman History (CLA 3440)
4)Three (3) hours of coursework in Classical Mythology (CLT2374)
5) Three (3) hours of elective Classics coursework above the 2000 level
6) Three (3) hours in CLA 4935, Seminar in Classical Civilization

* Students must earn a C or above in all major coursework.*

Minor: Majors must complete 12-18 hours in an approved minor field or 15 hours in an approved interdepartmental minor.

Digital Literacy: (3 hours)
CGS 2060, CGS 2100, or other University-approved Digital Literacy course.

Oral Communication Competency: (0-3 hours)
Students must demonstrate the ability to orally transmit ideas and information clearly. This requirement may be met with an approved college-level course.

Minimum Program Requirements - Summary
Total Hrs. Required 120
General Education 36
Major Coursework 30
Minor Coursework 12-18
Foreign Language 0-12 (depending on placement)
Digital Literacy 3
Oral Communication Competency 0-3
Electives to bring total hours to 120


Mapping is FSU’s academic advising and monitoring system. Academic progress is monitored each Fall and Spring semester to ensure that students are on course to earn their degree in a timely fashion. Transfer students must meet mapping guidelines to be accepted into their majors. You may view the map for this major at


1. A minimum of 45 hours at the 3000 level or above, 30 of which must be taken at this University.
2. Half of the major course semester hours must be completed in residence at this University.
3. The final 30 hours must be completed in residence at this University.

Employment Information

Salary Information: For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Representative Job Titles Related to this Major: Archaeologist, Historian, Artifact Conservator, Museum Technician, Archivist, Attorney (after Law Degree), Librarian, Teacher: High School, Community College, University; Museum Curator, Journalist, Editor, Minister (after Theological Training), physician (after medical school), Salesperson.

Representative Employers: Publishing Houses, Libraries, Museums, School Boards, Colleges, Newspapers, Research Organizations, Banks, Corporations, Insurance Companies, Government Agencies: U.S. Information Agency, Department of State, Department of Interior, Park Service, Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, National Security Agency, C.I.A.