Program Guide

Law Enforcement Operations : Public Safety and Security

College: Applied Studies
Degree: BS
Specialized Admission: No

Contact: Angie Sexton
Address: College of Applied Studies Office Building 108 Panama City, FL 32405-1099
Phone: (850) 770-2178
Description of Major

*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is ONLY available at the Panama City, FL campus. However, it is available via Online/Distance Learning to all FSU students. Contact the College of Applied Studies for specifics.*

The Law Enforcement Operations major prepares students for employment in a wide variety of criminal justice agencies including local, state and Federal jurisdictions, as well as companies within the private sector. This major can also serve as a foundation for graduate study in programs such as criminology/criminal justice, law, social work, urban planning, and public administration.

The on campus and the online degree programs are tailored to provide the maximum opportunity for the professional practitioner to participate as well as the traditional student. Consequently, the upper-division courses are offered in a five-semester/12 hour model rather than the four-semester/15-hour model. Students, however, may take 15-18 hours per semester if they desire.

Prerequisite Coursework

There are no specific required prerequisite courses for this major.

Admission Requirements for Law Enforcement Operations Majors
All students must meet the University-wide baccalaureate degree requirements summarized in the “Undergraduate Degree Requirements” chapter of this General Bulletin. In order to enroll in the College of Applied Studies, an undergraduate must be certified by the Division of Undergraduate Studies or be a transfer student with fifty-two or more semester hours of accepted credit with a 2.00 GPA. World language completion (or exemption) is also required. Under certain circumstances, students may be admitted without these, but will be required to complete both while enrolled in the program in addition to other program requirements. These students must complete the General Education requirements while enrolled in this program.

In addition, there are alternative criteria for admission to the program:

1. Completion of an AA degree from a Florida public college with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale. The AA degree shall include the completion of the Florida State general education requirements.

2. Transfer students from a regionally accredited postsecondary institution. These students must have sixty or more semester hours of transferable credit, to include six hours of freshman English composition and six hours of mathematics/statistics. Transfer students must have a minimum of a 2.0 GPA. These students must have completed 36 hours of general education coursework to include (6) hours Quantitative & Logic, (6) hours English Composition, (3) hours Social Science, (3) hours History, (3) hours Humanities & Cultural Practice, (3) hours Ethics, (6) hours Natural Sciences and (6) hours Additional Approved General Education coursework.

Transcripts for students entering with more than the specified hours for the AA will be evaluated for whether any of the hours are applicable to the degree. Hours applicable will be subtracted from the nominal sixty (AA or transfer) required to a maximum of fifteen hours of underclass hours. Transcripts for transfer students will be evaluated in a similar fashion and some upper-level hours may be accepted to a maximum of thirty hours because the last thirty hours must be taken at FSU. Hours not applicable to the Public Safety and Security degree will not be transferred to avoid a possibility of a student incurring an excess hours charge.

3. Current students at FSU (either campus) - These students must have fifty-two (52) or more semester hours of credit, to include six hours of freshman English composition and six hours of mathematics/statistics. Students must have a minimum of a 2.00 GPA. These students must complete the General Education requirements while enrolled in this program.

Note: The College of Applied Studies reserves the right to discontinue enrollment of any student in the College at any time if satisfactory academic progress is not being made. Specifically, students majoring in Public Safety and Security must earn a "C minus" or better in each of the core courses for Law Enforcement Intelligence and Law Enforcement Operations (CCJ 3024, CCJ 3484, CCJ 4710, CCJ 3071) and maintain a GPA of 2.0 in all courses for their major. A student who has accumulated four or more unsatisfactory grades, (D+, D, D–, F, U, IE) in public safety, criminology and/or criminal justice courses taken for college credit at Florida State University or elsewhere, whether repeated or not, may not be permitted to continue, be readmitted, or be allowed to graduate with a degree in Public Safety and Security.


Core Classes for Law Enforcement Operations Majors: (12 hours)
Students must earn a C minus or better in each of the following courses:

CCJ 3024 (3) The Criminal Justice System (Fall)
CCJ 3484 (3) Ethics in Policing and Intelligence (Fall)
CCJ 4710 (3) Applied Probability (Spring) [prerequisite CCJ 4744]
CCJ 3071 (3) Computer Apps in Criminal Justice (Fall)

Major Required Courses for Law Enforcement Operations Majors: (33 hours)
Students must earn a C minus or better in each of the following courses:

CCJ 4744 (3) Evidential Reasoning for Research & Invest (Fall)
CCJ 3678 (3) Policing Diversity: Race, Gender, Rel & Crime (Spring)
CJE 4611 (3) Criminal Investigation: Theory & Practice (Fall) [co-requisite CCJ 4744]
CJE 3612 (3) Interview and Interrogation (Fall/Spring)
CJE 4615 (3) Conduct of Investigation (Spring) [prerequisite CCJ 4611]
CJC 3311 (3) Corrections: Practices and Perspectives (Spring)
CJJ 3013 (3) Youth Culture and Crime (Spring)
CCJ 3651 (3) Drugs and Crime (Summer)
CJE 4410 (3) Community Policing (Summer)
DSC 3013 (3) Homeland Security & Criminal Justice (Summer)
CCJ 3032 (3) Crime in Media (Fall/Spring)

Capstone CJE 4710 (3-15 hours). Offered every semester.
This class is typically done in the last semester of your program.

Additional capstone hours above the required 3 hours may be used for general electives.

General Electives or Minor: (12 hours)
In addition to the above, Law Enforcement Operations majors must complete 12 hours of electives approved by the College of Applied Studies. These may be unrestricted electives or they may be used for an internship, a certificate within Public Safety and Security, a minor (outside of Public Safety and Security) or as hours applied towards a double major.

Digital Literacy: (3 hours)
Met with a grade of C minus or better in a University-approved course.

Oral Communication Competency Requirement: (3 hours)
May be met with SPC 1608 Public Speaking

There are also several courses offered at FSU PC that will meet this requirement. Acceptable substitutes may include, but are not limited to:
• Verified successful participation in a forensic or debate team in community college, or college; or
• Passing with a “C minus" or higher a course in public speaking in another college or university (including community college}.

Foreign Language Requirement: Can be satisfied by having two sequential units of the same foreign language in high school, or two semesters of the same foreign language in college or documented equivalent proficiency.

Minimum Program Requirements - Summary
Total Hrs. Required 120
General Education 36
Major Coursework 48-60
Minor Coursework 12-15
Digital Literacy 3
Oral Communication Competency 0-3
Other Coursework 0
Electives to bring total hours to 120

**All courses are not offered each semester. All course offerings are contingent on available funding, available instructors, and sufficient student demand.**


Dana Smith (Distance Learning students)
Address: College of Applied Studies, Office Building, Office 111, Panama City, FL 32405-1099
Phone: (850) 770-2266

Panama City Campus Academic Advising and Student Success Center (On Campus students)
Address: Holley Academic Center, Panama City, FL 32405-1099
Phone: (850) 770-2288


Mark Feulner
Address: Holley Academic Center, Office A-111-D, Panama City, FL 32405-1099
Phone: (850) 770-2205

Banyon Pelham
Address: Holley Academic Center, Office A-111-G, Panama City, FL 32405-1099
Phone: (850) 770-2201

Lucy Hoover
Address: Holley Academic Center, Office A-111-C, Panama City, FL 32405-1099
Phone: (850) 770-2243

Academic Coordinator

Angie Sexton
Address: College of Applied Studies Office Building 108 Panama City, FL 32405-1099 Phone: (850) 770-2178


Mapping is FSU’s academic advising and monitoring system. Academic progress is monitored each Fall and Spring semester to ensure that students are on course to earn their degree in a timely fashion. Transfer students must meet mapping guidelines to be accepted into their majors.


In addition to the requirements outlined above, each student must complete all University-wide requirements for graduation. These requirements include:

1. General Education requirements: Transfer students with an AA degree from a Florida community college have automatically met the General Education requirements.

2. Multicultural requirement: Students transferring with 60 or more hours must complete one multicultural course. Other students must complete two multicultural courses. Courses taken at a previous institution may be used to satisfy this requirement.

3. FSU residency requirement: Each student’s last 30 hours must be in residence at FSU.

4.Total hours requirements: A minimum of 120 hours is required for graduation. At least 45 hours must be completed at the 3000-4000 level.

Employment Information

Salary Information: For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Representative Job Titles Related to this Major: Local, State, and Federal Law Enforcement Officers and Special Agents including such diverse specialties as: Air Marshall, Alcohol/Tobacco/Firearms Agent, FBI Special Agent, US Marshall, Border Patrol Agent, Conservation Officer, Criminal Investigator, Crime Scene Investigator, Intelligence Analyst, Secret Service Agent, Fish and Game Warden, Immigration Inspector, Medical Examiner Investigator, and Postal Inspector. Civilian opportunities include: Private Investigator, Private Security Agent, and Insurance Claims Adjuster.

Representative Employers: Central Intelligence Agency, Corporate Security Offices, Customs and Border Patrol, Diplomatic Services, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Immigration & Customs Enforcement, Internal Revenue Service, Private Detective Agencies, Private Security/Surveillance Firms, US Department of Justice, US Environmental Protection Agency, US Marshal Service, US Secret Service, Insurance Claims Agencies