Program Guide


College: Arts and Sciences
Degree: BS and BA
Specialized Admission: No

Contact: R. Rochelle Arrington
Address: 1011 Academic Way, 3008A EOAS
Phone: (850) 644-8582
Description of Major

*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*

Meteorology traditionally is divided into four branches: physical, dynamical, synoptic, and applied meteorology. Physical meteorologists deal with topics such as the physics of rain formation, atmospheric electricity, radiative transfer and remote sensing. Dynamical meteorologists work in such areas as the mathematical representation of atmospheric flow patterns and the numerical prediction of these patterns. Synoptic meteorologists are involved with the description of atmospheric disturbances and with weather forecasting. Applied meteorologists deal with the application of meteorological and climatological knowledge to such areas as agriculture, architecture, ecology, and air pollution. The undergraduate curriculum provides a broad overview of these branches of meteorology, while graduate students are encouraged to specialize in one of them.

Meteorologists are needed in research, forecasting, and operational positions to study, interpret and predict weather and climate processes and patterns and to relate these to human activities. Severe storms, floods, droughts and air pollution are examples of atmospheric phenomena that influence health, safety, transportation, agriculture, and business activities.

Prospective transfer students should contact (Arts & Sciences Admissions) with specific questions about admission and mapping requirements.

Prerequisite Coursework

Prerequisite Coursework: (20-22 hours)
All of the prerequisites are also part of the required collateral coursework.

MAC X311 (4) Calculus w/Analytic Geometry I
MAC X312 (4) Calculus w/Analytic Geometry II
CHM X045, X045L (3,1) General Chemistry I, Lab
PHY X048C (4) General Physics A or PHY X048/X048L (5 credits @ FSU)
PHY X049C (4) General Physics B or PHY X049/X049L (5 credits @ FSU)

Note: State-wide common prerequisites are always under review. For the most current information and for acceptable alternative courses, visit the “Common Prerequisites Manual.” This is available from the “Student Services” section of .

To prevent a delay in graduation, students should also complete the following during their freshman/sophomore years:
MAC X313 (5) Calculus w/Analytic Geometry III and either MAP 2302 (3) Ordinary Differential Equations or MAP 3305 (3) Engineering Mathematics


Requirements for graduation in the College of Arts and Sciences include:
The College of Arts and Science requires proficiency in a foreign language through the intermediate (2220 or equivalent) level or sign language through the advanced (2614 or equivalent) level.

Requirements for Progression to the Upper-Division Major:
Students interested in majoring in Meteorology should declare it as their major upon admission to the University and work with the departmental advisor to assure appropriate course selection. To be certified into the upper-division of this major (move into the College of Arts and Sciences), students must either have an AA degree from a Florida college or complete at least 52 hours of credit with an adjusted GPA of 2.00 on FSU coursework to include at least half of the required hours in General Education requirements, including the freshman English Composition and mathematics requirements. Meteorology students beginning their college coursework at FSU should complete the English Composition, mathematics, and science portions of General Education during their freshman and sophomore years; the balance of the General Education requirements must be completed prior to graduation.

Major Program of Studies at FSU: (68 hours)

Students must earn a minimum GPA of 2.00 in all Meteorology courses numbered 2000 or higher. All 3000 level meteorology courses must be completed with a final grade of 'C' or better to continue to the 4000 level major coursework. All 4000 level meteorology courses must be completed with a final grade of C minus or better. All other required mathematics, chemistry, physics, statistics, and meteorology courses must be passed with a final grade of C minus or better. If not, the course must be retaken until a C minus or better is earned.

A student who has received more than three unsatisfactory grades (U, F, D minus, D, D+) in courses required for the major, excluding Terms 1-4 Common Program Prerequisite courses, taken after enrolling at FSU, will not be permitted to graduate with a degree in Meteorology.

Major Core Coursework: (27 hours)
MET 3231 (3) Intro to Thermodynamics and Dynamics
MET 3101 (3) Physical Climatology
MET 3220C (3) Meteorological Computations
MET 4301 (4) Atmospheric Dynamics I
MET 4400C (3) Meteorological Instrumentation and Observations
MET 4420 (3) Atmospheric Thermodynamics
MET 4500C (4) Synoptic Lecture/Lab I
MET 4501C (4) Synoptic Lecture/Lab II

Elective Coursework: (12 hours)
All Students are required to complete a minimum of 12 hours of approved electives (a “track”) to strengthen their training in a specific area of Meteorology, but students are encouraged to take additional hours if possible. Elective track options consist of additional coursework in Meteorology, Environmental Science, Emergency Management, Mathematics, Climate Science, and Broadcasting. Students will work with an Advisor to select track and ensure proper completion of required track coursework.

Collateral Coursework: (33 hours)
CHM 1045, 1045L (3,1) General Chemistry I
PHY 2048C (5) General Physics A
PHY 2049C (5) General Physics B
MAC 2311 (4) Calculus w/Analytic Geometry I
MAC 2312 (4) Calculus w/Analytic Geometry II
MAC 2313 (5) Calculus w/Analytic Geometry III
MAP 2302 (3) Ordinary Differential Equations or MAP 3305 (3) Engineering Math I
STA 3032 (3) Applied Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, STA4442 (3) Introduction to Probability or STA4321 (3) Introduction to Mathematical Statistics

Digital Literacy: (0 hours beyond major requirements)
CHM1045L General Chemistry I Lab meets this requirement for the major.

Oral Communication Competency: (0-3 hours)
Students must demonstrate the ability to orally transmit ideas and information clearly. This requirement may be met with a University approved college-level course.

MET 3940 (1) Weathercasting also meets this requirement and is highly recommended.

Minimum Program Requirements - Summary
Total Hrs. Required 120
General Education 36*
Major and Collateral Coursework 72*
Minor Coursework 0*
Foreign Language 0-12 (depending on placement)
Digital Literacy 0 (beyond major)
Oral Competency 0-3
Electives to bring total hours to 120

*NOTE: MAC 1105 (3), 1114 (2), and 1140 (3) are prerequisite courses to required major and collateral courses and may be used to satisfy some requirements of General Education. Students may also use required science and math coursework to meet General Education requirements in those areas. The required minor is satisfied with collateral coursework in Mathematics.


Mapping is FSU’s academic advising and monitoring system. Academic progress is monitored each Fall and Spring semester to ensure that students are on course to earn their degree in a timely fashion. Transfer students must meet mapping guidelines to be accepted into their majors.


1. A minimum of 45 hours at the 3000 level or above, 30 of which must be taken at this University.
2. Half of the major course semester hours must be completed in residence at this University.
3. The final 30 hours must be completed in residence at this University.
4. Students who plan to earn the B. A. degree must complete both a foreign language through the intermediate (2200 or equivalent) level and nine additional hours in the fields of history and humanities beyond General Education requirements.

Employment Information

Salary Information:For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Representative Job Titles Related to this Major: Synoptic Meteorologist, Weather Forecaster, Dynamical Meteorologist, Air Pollution Meteorologist, Physical Meteorologist, Broadcast Meteorologist, Climatologist, Industrial Meteorologist, Meteorological Technician, Assistant Oceanographers, Science Teacher.

Representative Employers: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, Airlines, The Military, Television/Radio Stations, National Weather Service, Colleges and Universities, Federal and State Agencies, Research Organizations, Industrial & Engineering Firms, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Schools.