Program Guide


College: Nursing
Degree: BSN
Specialized Admission: Yes

Contact: Caitlin Ray
Address: 103 Duxbury Hall, 98 Varsity Way Tallahassee, FL 32306
Phone: (850) 644-3296
Description of Major

*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*

Nurses with a baccalaureate degree in nursing are in high demand for a variety of positions within hospitals and other health care agencies in communities. These nurses advance rapidly into positions of increasing responsibility and leadership in nursing. The nursing program is an upper division major with required sequential course offerings and elective courses in nursing. The nursing courses are based on concepts and principles from liberal studies, the supporting biological and behavioral sciences and nursing theory. This theoretical base is used with the nursing process in the systematic development of care plans for providing nursing care to individuals and groups in a variety of health care settings.

The principal goal of nursing is to provide essential personal and social services to humans through the conscious selection of activities designed to assist in meeting client needs, while protecting legal rights and human dignity. For the professional nurse, this goal is accomplished through the application of the nursing process and facilitated through the use of research. Through utilization of the nursing process, enhanced by interdisciplinary collaboration, the professional nurse guides the individual, family and/or group toward achievement and maintenance of a state of optimal physical and psychosocial health. The graduate is committed to personal, intellectual and professional development and has the foundation for graduate study. Graduates qualify to take the licensing examination for professional nursing.

The College admits upper-division transfer students who have successfully completed the program prerequisites and have competitive GPA's. Upper-division transfer applicants should note that in addition to the regular University application, they must also complete an online application for the College of Nursing, . Please see “Admissions Requirements” below.

Prerequisite Coursework

Prerequisite Coursework:
The following courses or their equivalent must be completed prior to beginning major coursework in the junior year. 12 hours of these will be used to satisfy General Education requirements (6 hours Natural Sciences, 3 hours Social Sciences, 3 hours for the second mathematics course).

*All prerequisites must be completed by end of semester in which student is applying.*

All prerequisite courses must be completed by the end of the Spring semester prior to entering the program in the Fall, by the end of the Summer semester prior to entering the program in the Spring, or by the end of the Fall semester prior to entering the program in the Summer.

Biological or Physical Sciences (3 credits)
o FSU course equivalent: CHM1045 is highly recommended

Human Nutrition (3 credits)
o HUNX201
o FSU course equivalent: HUN1201

Anatomy & Physiology 1 with Lab (4 credits)
o BSCX085/X085L or BSCX085C or BSCX093/X093L or BSCX093C
o FSU course equivalency: BSC2085/2085L

Anatomy and Physiology 2 with Lab (4 credits)
o BSCX086/X086L or BSCX086C or BSCX094/X094L or BSCX094C
o FSU course equivalent: BSC2086/2086L

Microbiology with Lab (4 credits)
o MCBX000/X000L or MCBX004/X0004L or MCBX010/X010L or MCBX010C or MCBX013C
o FSU course equivalent: MCB2004/2004L

Statistics (3 credits)
o STAX014 or STAX023 or STAX122
o FSU course equivalent: STA2023 or STA2122

Individual and Lifespan Development (3 credits)
o DEPX000 or DEPX004 or DEP X054
o FSU course equivalent: FAD3220

Social and Behavioral Science (3 credits)
o FSU course equivalent: PSY2012 highly recommended

Note: State-wide common prerequisites are always under review. For the most current information and for acceptable alternative courses, visit the “Common Prerequisites Manual.” This is available from the “Student Services” section of .

Students with questions about prerequisites should email the College of Nursing at

*Please refer to for current and updated information.*

Admission Requirements to Major Program of Studies
The Florida State University College of Nursing admits students for the Fall, Spring and Summer semesters and requires a separate application. Deadlines can be found on he College of Nursing website at . Transfer students must also complete the University transfer application ( All prerequisites must be completed with a final grade of 'C' or higher by the end of the semester in which students are applying (a C minus will NOT count).

**Please note: for the STA2XXX (Statistics) prerequisite, the University accepts a final grade of C minus or better to meet the General Education Quantitative and Logical Thinking requirement, but as a Specialized Admission major, Nursing requires a final grade of C or better in this course.**

The College of Nursing admits students based on the quality of the applicant’s previous academic achievement and the number of students who can be accommodated in the program. Students will be admitted during the Fall, Spring and Summer semesters for our 4 consecutive semester program.

Students will be selected based on the following criteria:

1) Completion of General Education requirements and attainment of junior standing or completion of an AA degree from a Florida public community college or state university with minimum acceptable cumulative GPA of 3.00; and

2) Completion of required prerequisites with a minimum 3.00 average in prerequisite science courses, and minimum of a grade of C or better in each prerequisite. A C minus will NOT be accepted.

Availability of faculty and clinical resources will determine the number of students to be admitted. Students not accepted at the time of initial application may reapply for the following admit term.

If admitted to the upper-level major, Nursing students are required to submit results of a health examination, immunization record, proof of health insurance, a two-year certification in CPR, criminal background check, and drug screening. For more information please visit: .


Major Program of Studies at FSU for the traditional program in Nursing (BSN): (60 hours)
Expenses (subject to change): uniforms, lab coat, shoes, stethoscope and other accessories; MedAffinityEHR; EXXAT; standardized testing program; textbooks; clinical laboratory fee per credit hour. Nursing majors are responsible for transportation expenses related to clinical experiences. They are also required to carry University health and accident insurance. Students may have scheduled clinical experiences outside the Tallahassee area, either during the week or on weekends. If the agency is located far enough away to require overnight accommodations, the cost of these arrangements is the responsibility of the student, as is the travel to and from the agency.

Term 5: (15 hours)
NUR 3056 (3) Professional Nursing Practice
NUR 3065 (3) Health Assessment and Interventions Across the Lifespan
NUR 3065L (3) Health Assessment and Interventions Across the Lifespan – Clinical
NUR 3145 (3) Pharmacology
NUR 3125 (3) Pathophysiology

Term 6: (15 hours)
NUR 3225 (3) Promoting Health of Adults – Acute/Chronic
NUR 3225L (4) Promoting Health of Adults – Acute/Chronic – Clinical
NUR 3524 (3) Promoting Mental Health
NUR 3524L (1) Promoting Mental Health – Clinical
NUR 4667 (3) Promoting Population and Community Health
NUR 4667L (1) Promoting Population and Community Health – Clinical

Term 7: (16 hours)
NUR 4445 (3) Promoting Health of Families
NUR 4445L (3) Promoting Health of Families - Clinical
NUR 4766 (3) Promoting Health of Adults – Complex
NUR 4766L (4) Promoting Health of Adults – Complex - Clinical
NUR 4169 (3) Research Methods for Evidence-Based Practice

Term 8: (14 hours)
NUR 4837 (2) Leadership Innovation and Entrepreneurship
NUR 4945 (8) Professional Nursing Internship
NUR 4816 (1) Transition to Professional Practice
NUR 3XXX (3) Nursing Elective

Digital Literacy: (0 hours beyond major)
NUR 4169 (3) Research Methods for Evidence-Based Practice meets this requirement for the major.

Oral Communication Competency: (0-3 hours)
Students must demonstrate the ability to orally transmit ideas and information clearly. This requirement may be met with an approved college-level course. NUR 3076 Communication in Health Care, a Nursing elective, is an approved oral communication competency course.

Minimum Program Requirements - Summary (Traditional Program)
Total Hrs. Required 120
General Education 36
Prerequisite Coursework 24 (beyond what may be counted toward General Education)
Major Coursework 60
Digital Literacy 0 beyond major courses
Oral Competency 0-3
Electives to bring total hours to 120


Mapping is FSU’s academic advising and monitoring system. Academic progress is monitored each Fall and Spring semester to ensure that students are on course to earn their degree in a timely fashion. Transfer students must meet mapping guidelines to be accepted into their majors. You may view the map for this major at


1. A minimum of 45 hours at the 3000 level or above, 30 of which must be taken at this University.
2. All major coursework in Nursing must be completed in residence at this University.
3. The final 30 hours must be completed in residence at this University.

Employment Information

Salary Information: For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Representative Job Titles Related to this Major: Staff Nurse, Team Leader, School Nurse, Head Nurse, Office Nurse, Private Duty Nurse. Public Health Nurse, Clinic Nurse, Emergency Room Nurse, Occupational Health Nurse, Community Mental Health Nurse.

Representative Employers: Medical Centers, Community Hospitals, Specialty Hospital, Nursing and Convalescent Homes, Armed Services, Extended Care Facilities, VISTA/Peace Corps, Visiting Nurse Associations, Public School Systems, Drug/Alcohol Rehabilitation.