Academic Map
Physics & Astrophysics
ACADEMIC MAP (Effective Summer 2024 and after)
*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*
This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed to the right of each term are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. The Sample Schedule serves as a general guideline to help you build a full schedule each term. The General Education and Elective courses must be selected to satisfy all area and diversity requirements unless your program meets these requirements with major courses. Milestones are courses and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major. Missing milestones will result in one of two types of map registration stops. The first level (Degree Map Off-track) is placed following grade posting if the student has missed a milestone (course and/or GPA) for the first time in the major. If a student is in non-compliance with milestones for two (2) consecutive semesters (excluding summers), a Major Change Required stop is placed on the student's registration.
This schedule assumes that you have credit for MAC1114 Analytic Trigonometry and MAC1140 Pre-Calculus. The required math courses are sufficient to obtain a minor in Mathematics.
Mapping Coordinator: Shellie Camp
Sample Schedule and Required Milestones by Term
Sample Schedule: Term 1 hrs |
ENC1101 Freshman Composition3 |
MAC2311 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I 4 |
GE Core or Foreign Language3-4 |
PHZ 1140C Computational Physics Lab3 |
Required Milestones: Term 1 |
Complete ENC1101 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete MAC2311 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Sample Schedule: Term 2 hrs |
ENC2135 Research, Genre, and Context 3 |
MAC2312 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II4 |
PHY2048C General Physics A5 |
GE Core or Foreign Language3-4 |
PHY1090 Discovering Physics 1 |
Required Milestones: Term 2 |
Complete ENC2135 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete MAC2312 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete PHY2048C ( ≥ C minus ) |
Summer hrs |
MAC2313 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III5 |
PHY2049C General Physics B5 |
Sample Schedule: Term 3 hrs |
AST4211 Introduction to Astrophysics3 |
PHY3101 Intermediate Modern Physics 3 |
PHY3045 Physics Problem Solving 3 |
MAP 2302 Ordinary Differential Equations 3 |
GE Course or Foreign Language3-4 |
Required Milestones: Term 3 |
Complete PHY2049C ( ≥ C minus ) |
Sample Schedule: Term 4 hrs |
AST 4419 Extragalactic Astro or AST4277 Observational Techniques 3 |
PHY3221 Mechanics I3 |
PHZ3113 Mathematical Physics I3 |
GE Course or Foreign Language3-4 |
Required Milestones: Term 4 |
Complete PHY3101 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete PHY3221 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete PHZ3113 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete PHY3045 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete MAC2313 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete MAP2302 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete PHY1090 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Sample Schedule: Term 5 hrs |
PHY4604 Quantum Theory of Matter A3 |
PHY4222 Mechanics II 3 |
Oral Communication Competency3 |
Astro Elective or GE Elective3 |
GE Course or Foreign Language3-4 |
Required Milestones: Term 5 |
Complete AST4211 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Civic Literacy requirement |
Sample Schedule: Term 6 hrs |
PHY4323 Electricity and Magnetism I3 |
PHY4605 Quantum Theory of Matter B or Elective3 |
PHY3802L Intermediate Laboratory or AST3721L Astrophysics Laboratory 2 |
AST4722 Observational Techniques or AST4419 Extragalactic Astro 3 |
GE Ethics or Foreign Language3-4 |
Required Milestones: Term 6 |
Complete Scholarship in Practice course |
Sample Schedule: Term 7 hrs |
AST4218r Astrophysics Seminar 1 |
PHY3802L Intermediate Laboratory or AST3721L Astrophysics Laboratory2 |
Astrophysics Elective3 |
Optional Astro/Physics courses or Foreign Language or Elective6-7 |
Required Milestones: Term 7 |
Complete a Pre-Graduation Check |
Sample Schedule: Term 8 hrs |
AST4218r Astrophysics Seminar 1 |
PHY4513 Thermal and Statistical Physics3 |
PHZ4151C Computational Physics Laboratory 3 |
Optional Astro/Physics courses or Foreign Language or Elective 3-4 |
Required Milestones: Term 8 |
Apply for graduation in 1st two weeks |
Salary Information: For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Representative Job Titles Related to this Major; Baccalaureate level: Consultant, Data Analyst / Data Scientist, High School Teacher, Instrumental Technician, Medical Physics Technician, Physicist Technician, Quantitative Analyst, Software Developer/Engineer, Technical Writer. With additional education: Astrophysicist, Biophysicist, College Professor, Experimental Physicist, Geophysicist, Laser Physicist, Low Temperature Physicist, Nuclear Physicist, Solid State Physicist, Stress Analyst, Theoretical Physicist.
Representative Employers: Banks / Financial Institutions, Chemical Companies, College and Universities, Community Colleges, Electronics Firms, Engineering Firms, Governmental Agencies, Insurance Companies, Laboratories, Manufacturers, Pharmaceutical Companies, Research/Development Firms, School Boards, Software Companies, Technology Companies.
ACADEMIC MAP (Effective Summer 2024 and after)
*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*
This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed to the right of each term are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. The Sample Schedule serves as a general guideline to help you build a full schedule each term. The General Education and Elective courses must be selected to satisfy all area and diversity requirements unless your program meets these requirements with major courses. Milestones are courses and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major. Missing milestones will result in one of two types of map registration stops. The first level (Degree Map Off-track) is placed following grade posting if the student has missed a milestone (course and/or GPA) for the first time in the major. If a student is in non-compliance with milestones for two (2) consecutive semesters (excluding summers), a Major Change Required stop is placed on the student's registration.
This schedule assumes that you have credit for MAC1114 Analytic Trigonometry and MAC1140 Pre-Calculus. The required math courses are sufficient to obtain a minor in Mathematics.
Mapping Coordinator: Shellie Camp
Sample Schedule and Required Milestones by Term
Sample Schedule: Term 1 hrs |
ENC1101 Freshman Composition3 |
MAC2311 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I4 |
PHZ 1140C Computational Physics Lab3 |
GE Core or Foreign Language3-4 |
Required Milestones: Term 1 |
Complete ENC1101 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete MAC2311 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Sample Schedule: Term 2 hrs |
ENC2135 Research, Genre, and Context 3 |
MAC2312 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II4 |
PHY2048C General Physics A5 |
PHY1090 Discovering Physics 1 |
GE Core or Foreign Language3-4 |
Required Milestones: Term 2 |
Complete ENC2135 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete MAC2312 ( ≥ C minus )** |
Complete PHY2048C ( ≥ C minus ) |
Summer hrs |
MAC2313 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III5 |
PHY2049C General Physics B5 |
Sample Schedule: Term 3 hrs |
PHY3101 Intermediate Modern Physics 3 |
PHY3045 Physics Problem Solving 3 |
MAP 2302 Ordinary Differential Equations 3 |
GE Course or Foreign Language3-4 |
Required Milestones: Term 3 |
Complete PHY2049C ( ≥ C minus ) |
Sample Schedule: Term 4 hrs |
PHY3221 Mechanics I3 |
PHZ3113 Mathematical Physics 3 |
Optional Physics Elective or Programming3 |
GE Elective or Foreign Language3-4 |
Required Milestones: Term 4 |
Complete PHY3101 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete PHY3045 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete PHY3221 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete PHZ3113 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete MAP2302 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete MAC2313 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete PHY1090 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Sample Schedule: Term 5 hrs |
PHY4604 Quantum Theory of Matter A3 |
PHY4222 Mechanics II or Optional Physics Course 3 |
PHY4936 Math Physics II or Optional Physics Course 3 |
GE Elective or Foreign Language3-4 |
Required Milestones: Term 5 |
Civic Literacy requirement |
Sample Schedule: Term 6 hrs |
PHY4605 Quantum Theory of Matter B or Optional Physics Course 3 |
PHY 4323 Electricity and Magnetism I 3 |
PHY3802L Intermediate Laboratory 2 |
Optional Physics Course or Elective 3 |
GE Course or Foreign Language3-4 |
Required Milestones: Term 6 |
Complete Scholarship in Practice course |
Sample Schedule: Term 7 hrs |
PHY4324 Electricity and Magnetism II3 |
PHY4822L Advanced Laboratory 2 |
Optional Physics Course or Foreign Language or Electives 4 |
Oral Communication Competency3 |
Required Milestones: Term 7 |
Complete a Pre-Graduation Check |
Sample Schedule: Term 8 hrs |
PHY4513 Thermal and Statistical Physics 3 |
Optional Physics Course 3 |
Optional Physics Course3 |
Optional Physics Courses or Foreign Language or Electives3-4 |
Required Milestones: Term 8 |
Apply for graduation in 1st two weeks |
Salary Information: For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Representative Job Titles Related to this Major Baccalaureate level: Consultant, Data Analyst / Data Scientist, High School Teacher, Instrumental Technician, Medical Physics Technician, Physicist Technician, Quantitative Analyst, Software Developer/Engineer, Technical Writer. With additional education: Astrophysicist, Biophysicist, College Professor, Experimental Physicist, Geophysicist, Laser Physicist, Low Temperature Physicist, Nuclear Physicist, Solid State Physicist, Stress Analyst, Theoretical Physicist.
Representative Employers: Banks / Financial Institutions, Chemical Companies, College and Universities, Community Colleges, Electronics Firms, Engineering Firms, Governmental Agencies, Insurance Companies, Laboratories, Manufacturers, Pharmaceutical Companies, Research/Development Firms, School Boards, Software Companies, Technology Companies.
Political Science
ACADEMIC MAP (Effective Summer 2024 and after)
*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*
This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed to the right of each term are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. The Sample Schedule serves as a general guideline to help you build a full schedule each term. The General Education and Elective courses must be selected to satisfy all area and diversity requirements unless your program meets these requirements with major courses. Milestones are courses and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major. Missing milestones will result in one of two types of map registration stops. The first level (Degree Map Off-track) is placed following grade posting if the student has missed a milestone (course and/or GPA) for the first time in the major. If a student is in non-compliance with milestones for two (2) consecutive semesters (excluding summers), a Major Change Required stop is placed on the student's registration.
To complete a major in Political Science, you need 30 hours of coursework with grades of C minus or better, and complete 12 - 18 hours for a minor with grades of C minus or better (Public Administration will not count as a minor for Political Science majors).
No student in the Political Science major who has accumulated three (3) or more grades below "C minus" (D+, D, D minus, F, U) in Political Science courses taken for credit, at Florida State University or elsewhere, will be permitted to continue toward a degree with a major in Political Science.
Mapping Coordinator: COSS Acad Affairs Off. 101 BEL
Sample Schedule and Required Milestones by Term
Sample Schedule: Term 1 hrs |
ENC1101 Freshman Composition3 |
1st GE Core Mathematics3 |
GE History3 |
CGS2060 Computer Applications3 |
Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 1 |
Overall GPA 2.00 or higher |
Complete ENC1101 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Sample Schedule: Term 2 hrs |
ENC2135 Research, Genre, and Context 3 |
2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics3 |
GE Natural Science3 |
GE Core Social Science3 |
Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 2 |
Overall GPA 2.00 or higher |
Complete ENC2135 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete 1st GE Mathematics course ( ≥ C minus ) |
Sample Schedule: Term 3 hrs |
POS1041 Introduction to American Government 3 |
Oral Communication Competency3 |
GE Core Humanities/Cultural Practice3 |
GE Ethics3 |
Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 3 |
Overall GPA 2.00 or higher |
Complete POS1041 or one (1) Intro. Political Science course (INRXXXX, CPOXXXX, POSXXXX) |
Complete 2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics course ( ≥ C minus ) |
Sample Schedule: Term 4 hrs |
Introductory Political Science course3 |
GE Humanities/Cultural Practice3 |
GE Social Science3 |
GE Core Natural Science with Lab4 |
Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 4 |
Overall GPA 2.00 or higher |
Complete 2 Intro. Political Science courses (one must be POS1041) |
Complete General Education Requirements |
Complete Diversity Requirement (strongly recommended) |
Identify Minor at |
Sample Schedule: Term 5 hrs |
Introductory Political Science course3 |
POS3713 Understanding Political Science Research 3 |
Minor course3 |
Minor course3 |
Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 5 |
Overall GPA 2.00 or higher |
Complete POS3713 |
Complete 3 Intro. Political Science courses |
Civic Literacy requirement |
Sample Schedule: Term 6 hrs |
Political Science course3 |
Political Science 3000/4000 level course3 |
Minor course3 |
Minor course3 |
Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 6 |
Overall GPA 2.00 or higher |
Complete Two 3000/4000 level Political Science Courses |
Sample Schedule: Term 7 hrs |
Political Science 3000/4000 level course3 |
Political Science 3000/4000 level course3 |
Minor course3 |
Minor course3 |
Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 7 |
Overall GPA 2.00 or higher |
Sample Schedule: Term 8 hrs |
Political Science 3000/4000 level course3 |
Political Science 3000/4000 level course3 |
Elective3 |
Elective3 |
Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 8 |
Overall GPA 2.00 or higher |
Apply for graduation in 1st two weeks of semester |
Oral Communication/Speech and Digital Literacy requirements must be completed |
Salary Information: For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Representative Job Titles Related to this Major: Teacher: Secondary, College(requires advanced degree), Archivist: Political History, Researcher: Public and Private, City Planning Aide, Urban Planner, Analyst: Legislative, Executive, Customs Worker: Agent, Inspector, Staff Assistants: State, Local, or Federal Government, Labor-Relations Specialist, Manager: City, World Trade, Lawyer: (Professional School), Veterans’ Claims Representative, Foreign Service Officer, Journalist, Special Agent (F.B.I., C.I.A.), Campaign Operative, Lobbyist, Activist/organizer, Career counselor, Immigration officer, Law Enforcement, Mediator(requires additional certification), Policy Analyst, Public Affairs Research Analyst.
Representative Employers: Government: Federal, State, or Local, Colleges and Universities, Local School Boards, Corporations, Media (print, electronic), Political Action Committees, Civic & Taxpayers ’ Associations, Chambers of Commerce, Regional Planning Councils, Political Party Headquarters, Political consultants, Political Candidates, Public interest groups (Common Cause, PIRG, etc.).
Professional Communication
ACADEMIC MAP (Effective Summer 2025 and after)
*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is ONLY available at the Panama City, FL campus. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*
This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed to the right of each term are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. The Sample Schedule serves as a general guideline to help you build a full schedule each term. The General Education and Elective courses must be selected to satisfy all area and diversity requirements unless your program meets these requirements with major courses. Milestones are courses and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major. Missing milestones will result in one of two types of map registration stops. The first level (Degree Map Off-track) is placed following grade posting if the student has missed a milestone (course and/or GPA) for the first time in the major. If a student is in non-compliance with milestones for two (2) consecutive semesters (excluding summers), a Major Change Required stop is placed on the student's registration.
Students in Professional Communication will receive a broad understanding of fundamental communication processes. The overall program combines courses that are theoretically based with those that are professionally oriented. Courses include interviewing, persuasion, communication research methods, principles of advertising, introduction to public relations, writing for public relations, communication for organizing and a communication internship. Students in professional communication may pursue careers in marketing communication, organizational communication, and information and media, as well as preparation for graduate study.
For admission into the major in Professional Communication the following requirements must be met:
•Completion of an AA Degree from a Florida public institution or completion of the FSU General Education requirements
Under certain circumstances students who have not completed the above requirements for entry into the major may be permitted to take communication courses while completing certain General Education course requirements. Prior to entry, students must have satisfied the following requirements:
•Completion of two FSU General Education math courses
•Completion of two FSU General Education English courses
•Completion of all but 6 hours FSU General Education course requirements
Mapping Coordinator: Angie Sexton
Sample Schedule and Required Milestones by Term
Sample Schedule: Term 1 hrs |
ENC1101 Freshman Composition3 |
1st GE Core Mathematics3 |
GE History3 |
GE Core Natural Science w/ Lab4 |
Required Milestones: Term 1 |
Complete ENC1101 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Sample Schedule: Term 2 hrs |
ENC2135 Research, Genre, and Context 3 |
2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics3 |
GE Core Humanities/Cultural Practice3 |
First language proficiency course4 |
GE Natural Science3 |
Required Milestones: Term 2 |
Complete ENC2135 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete 1st GE Mathematics course ( ≥ C minus ) |
Sample Schedule: Term 3 hrs |
Second language proficiency course4 |
GE Humanities/Cultural Practice3 |
GE Core Social Science3 |
Elective3 |
Elective/Minor course3 |
Required Milestones: Term 3 |
Complete 2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics course ( ≥ C minus ) |
Sample Schedule: Term 4 hrs |
GE Social Science3 |
GE Ethics3 |
SPC2608 or SPC 4620 Strategic Speechmaking (Oral Communication Competency)3 |
CGS2060 Computer Fluency or CGS2100 Microcomputer Applications for Business/Economics 3 |
Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 4 |
Complete all FSU General Education requirements |
Sample Schedule: Term 5 hrs |
COM3120 Communication for Organizing3 |
ADV3008 Principles of Advertising3 |
PUR3000 Introduction to Public Relations3 |
SPC4620 Strategic Speechmaking 3 |
Elective/Minor course3 |
Required Milestones: Term 5 |
Complete PUR3000 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Civic Literacy requirement |
Sample Schedule: Term 6 hrs |
COM3310 Communication Research Methods3 |
SPC4360 Interviewing3 |
SPC4540 Persuasion3 |
Elective course3 |
Minor course3 |
Required Milestones: Term 6 |
Complete ADV3008 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Sample Schedule: Term 7 hrs |
PUR3100 Writing for Public Relations 3 |
Adv. Course (see approved list)3 |
Adv. Course (see approved list)3 |
Minor course3 |
Minor course3 |
Required Milestones: Term 7 |
Complete Pre-Graduation Check |
See Internship Coordinator to set up internship |
Sample Schedule: Term 8 hrs |
COM4945 Communication Internship 3 |
Adv. Course (see approved list)3 |
Adv. Course (see approved list)3 |
Minor Course3 |
Elective Course3 |
Required Milestones: Term 8 |
Apply for graduation in first two weeks. |
Salary Information: For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Representative Job Titles Related to this Major: Information specialist, radio/TV executive, media manager, public opinion researcher, speech writer, online content manager and many others.
Representative Employers: Advertising/PR agencies, government organizations, production Companies, radio/TV, Universities, Video Production Companies, virtually any company that requires communication/marketing communications specialists.
Professional Sales
ACADEMIC MAP (Effective Summer 2024 and after)
*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*
This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed to the right of each term are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. The Sample Schedule serves as a general guideline to help you build a full schedule each term. The General Education and Elective courses must be selected to satisfy all area and diversity requirements unless your program meets these requirements with major courses. Milestones are courses and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major. Missing milestones will result in one of two types of map registration stops. The first level (Degree Map Off-track) is placed following grade posting if the student has missed a milestone (course and/or GPA) for the first time in the major. If a student is in non-compliance with milestones for two (2) consecutive semesters (excluding summers), a Major Change Required stop is placed on the student's registration.
Professional Sales is a Specialized Admissions. To be admitted to the major, you must have completed at least 52 hours, have earned a “C minus“ or better in the Admission Prerequisite Courses (CGS2060, CGS2100 or CGS2518, MAC2233, ECO2013, ECO2023, ACG2021, ACG2071 & STA2023), and have the required overall GPA.
The Professional Sales major is specialized curriculum in the Marketing degree program. It is designed for students who want to start their careers in professional positions in a selling environment. Through course work, role-playing, and internships, professional sales majors are prepared for sales and sales management positions in all types of organizations and industries.
Students should complete diversity requirements through their General Education coursework.
Mapping Coordinator: Jennifer Janasiewicz
Sample Schedule and Required Milestones by Term
Sample Schedule: Term 1 hrs |
ENC1101 Freshman Composition3 |
MAC1105 College Algebra or higher mathematics3 |
CGS2100 Computer Apps. for Business, ECO2013 Macroeconomics or ECO2023 Microeconomics3 |
GE History3 |
Writing course3 |
Required Milestones: Term 1 |
Complete ENC1101 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete (or waive) MAC1105 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Overall GPA 2.70 or higher |
Sample Schedule: Term 2 hrs |
ENC2135 Research, Genre, and Context 3 |
MAC2233 Calculus for Business 3 |
CGS2100 Computer Apps. for Business, ECO2013 Macroeconomics or ECO2023 Microeconomics3 |
GE Humanities/Cultural Practice or Ethics3 |
Writing course3 |
Required Milestones: Term 2 |
Complete ENC2135 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete MAC2233 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete 1 other Admission Prerequisite, in addition to MAC2233, ( ≥ C minus ) |
Overall GPA 2.80 or higher |
Sample Schedule: Term 3 hrs |
CGS2100 Computer Apps. for Business, ECO2013 Macroeconomics or ECO2023 Microeconomics3 |
STA2023 Business Statistics3 |
ACG2021 Introduction to Financial Accounting3 |
GE Natural Science3 |
RMI2302 Risk in Business and Society3 |
GEB1030 Intro. to Professional Development (required only for those students who first enroll at FSU fall 2019 or later)1 |
Required Milestones: Term 3 |
Complete ACG2021 ( ≥ C minus) |
Complete 3 other Admission Prerequisites; MAC2233 plus 2 more ( ≥ C minus ) in each |
Overall GPA 2.90 or higher |
Sample Schedule: Term 4 hrs |
ACG2071 Introduction to Managerial Accounting3 |
GE Humanities/Cultural Practice or Ethics3 |
SIP course3 |
CGS2518 Spreadsheets for Business3 |
GE Core Natural Science w/Lab4 |
Required Milestones: Term 4 |
Complete all 7 Admission Prerequisites ( ≥ C minus ) in each |
Overall GPA 2.90 or higher |
Sample Schedule: Term 5 hrs |
MAR3023 Basic Marketing Concepts3 |
MAR3400 Professional Selling3 |
GEB3213 Business Communications3 |
Business Core course3 |
Elective 3 |
Required Milestones: Term 5 |
Complete MAR3023 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete MAR3400 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete RMI2302 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete GEB1030 (required only for those students who first enroll at FSU Fall 2019 or later) |
Civic Literacy requirement |
Sample Schedule: Term 6 hrs |
MAR4415 Advanced Sales Techniques3 |
Professional Sales Breadth Elective3 |
Business Core course3 |
Business Core course3 |
Business Core course3 |
Required Milestones: Term 6 |
Complete at least one MAR major course from MAR4403, MAR4415, or MAR4613 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Be in good academic standing (2.00 FSU GPA) |
Sample Schedule: Term 7 hrs |
MAR4403 Sales Management3 |
Professional Sales Major course3 |
Professional Sales Major course3 |
Elective 3 |
Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 7 |
Be in good academic standing (2.00 FSU GPA) |
Sample Schedule: Term 8 hrs |
Professional Sales Major course3 |
Professional Sales Major course3 |
MAN4720 Strategic Management and Business Policy3 |
Electives6 |
Required Milestones: Term 8 |
Complete all degree requirements |
Apply for Graduation in 1st two weeks |
Salary Information: For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Representative Job Titles Related to this Major: Sales Representative, Sales Manager
Representative Employers: Consumer Products Companies, Manufacturers, Food Distributors, Technology Suppliers, Industrial Marketers, Banks, Brokerage Firms, Insurance Companies.
ACADEMIC MAP (Effective Summer 2024 and after)
*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available at BOTH the main campus in Tallahassee, FL and the Panama City, FL campus. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*
This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed to the right of each term are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. The Sample Schedule serves as a general guideline to help you build a full schedule each term. The General Education and Elective courses must be selected to satisfy all area and diversity requirements unless your program meets these requirements with major courses. Milestones are courses and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major. Missing milestones will result in one of two types of map registration stops. The first level (Degree Map Off-track) is placed following grade posting if the student has missed a milestone (course and/or GPA) for the first time in the major. If a student is in non-compliance with milestones for two (2) consecutive semesters (excluding summers), a Major Change Required stop is placed on the student's registration.
To be admitted into Psychology, you must have completed at least 52 hours and have earned a “C minus“ or better in each of the Admission Prerequisite Courses (PSY2012, a general biology course, & statistics).
**Effective Summer 2024, the Term 1-4 milestones will include the successful completion of PSY2012, a general biology course, a statistics course, and a lower-level psychology course.**
Psychology uses scientific methods to attempt to understand, predict, and control behavior. The study of human behavior and animal behavior are two broad categories of specialization. Further areas of specialization are possible within each category and can be matched to career aspirations. The undergraduate program offers a broad background in many areas of psychology and is flexible enough for advanced students to specialize in an area of special interest to the student. Qualified students are encouraged to work in the department’s human and animal research labs and to participate in the department’s research on school and clinical problems in applied settings.
Mapping Coordinator: Shellie Camp
Sample Schedule and Required Milestones by Term
Sample Schedule: Term 1 hrs |
ENC1101 Freshman Composition3 |
PSY2012 General Psychology (GE Core Social Science)3 |
MAC1105 College Algebra (required pre-requisite to STA2122)3 |
GE Biology w/Lab (GE Core Natural Science)4 |
Required Milestones: Term 1 |
Complete ENC1101 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Sample Schedule: Term 2 hrs |
ENC2135 Research, Genre, and Context 3 |
STA2122 Applied Statistics3 |
GE Core Humanities/Cultural Practice3 |
GE Natural Science (PSB2000 Brain and Behavior )3 |
GE History3 |
Required Milestones: Term 2 |
Complete ENC2135 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete MAC1105 ( ≥ C minus ) (required pre-requisite to STA2122) |
Sample Schedule: Term 3 hrs |
GE Humanities/Cultural Practice3 |
Psychology Major course3 |
Writing/E-Series course3 |
GE Ethics3 |
PSY2023 Careers in Psychology 1 |
Required Milestones: Term 3 |
Complete PSY 2012 and Biology prerequisites ( ≥ C minus in each) |
Complete 2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics course (STA2122 recommended) ( ≥ C minus ) |
Sample Schedule: Term 4 hrs |
PSY3213C Research Methods in Psychology with Lab 4 |
Psychology Major course (DIS recommended)3 |
Minor course3 |
GE Social Science3 |
Required Milestones: Term 4 |
Satisfy admission prerequisites of PSY2012, Biology, Statistics, and lower level psychology course ( ≥ C minus in each ) |
Sample Schedule: Term 5 hrs |
Psychology Major course3 |
Psychology Major course (DIS recommended)3 |
Foreign Language4 |
Minor course3 |
Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 5 |
Complete PSY 3213C and STA2122 ( ≥ C minus in each ) |
Complete PSB 2000 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete PSY 2023 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Civic Literacy requirement |
Sample Schedule: Term 6 hrs |
Psychology lecture/lab course4 |
Foreign Language4 |
Psychology Major course (DIS recommended)3 |
Minor course3 |
Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 6 |
Begin Minor coursework if not already started |
Complete first level of Foreign Language |
Sample Schedule: Term 7 hrs |
Oral Communication Competency course3 |
Psychology Major course (Honors Thesis recommended)3 |
Minor course3 |
Foreign Language4 |
Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 7 |
Apply for a Pre-Graduation Check |
Complete Psychology lecture/lab combination from among: EXP 3202C, EXP 3422C, or EXP 3604C |
Sample Schedule: Term 8 hrs |
Psychology major course3 |
Psychology major course3 |
Minor course3 |
Elective3 |
Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 8 |
Apply for Graduation in 1st two weeks |
Salary Information: For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Representative Job Titles Related to this Major (NOTE: Most require graduate training): Advertising Specialist; Human Resource Manager; Marketing Researcher, Corrections, Probation, or Police Officer; Social Service Specialist, Teacher (with appropriate education preparation).
Representative Employers: Universities, Colleges and Community Colleges, Business/Industry, Hospitals, Prison Systems, Primary and Secondary Schools, Testing Companies, Rehabilitation Agencies, Veterans Administration, Mental Health Agencies, Financial Institutions, Consulting Firms.
Public Health
ACADEMIC MAP (Effective Summer 2024 and after)
*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*
This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed to the right of each term are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years and are to be completed by the end of the semester in which they are listed. The Sample Schedule serves as a general guideline to help you build a full schedule each term. The General Education and Elective courses must be selected to satisfy all area and multicultural requirements unless your program meets these requirements with major courses.
Milestones are courses and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major. Missing milestones will result in one of two types of map registration stops. The first level (Degree Map Off-track) is placed following grade posting if the student has missed a milestone (course and/or GPA) for the first time in the major. If a student is in non-compliance with milestones for two (2) consecutive semesters (excluding summers), a Major Change Required stop is placed on the student's registration.
To complete a major in Public Health, you need 33 hours of coursework with grades of C or better and complete 12 - 18 hours for a minor with grades of C or better. At least 18 of the hours in the major must be at the 3000/4000 level.
Mapping Coordinator: COSS Acad Affairs Off. 101 BEL
Sample Schedule and Required Milestones by Term
Sample Schedule: Term 1 hrs |
ENC1101 Freshman Composition3 |
1st GE Core Mathematics3 |
GE History 3 |
GE Elective3 |
Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 1 |
Complete ENC1101 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Overall GPA of 2.00 or higher |
Sample Schedule: Term 2 hrs |
ENC2135 Research, Genre, and Context 3 |
2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics3 |
Writing/E-Series Course3 |
GE Natural Science3 |
Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 2 |
Complete ENC2135 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete 1st GE Mathematics course ( ≥ C minus ); MAC 1105 recommended |
Sample Schedule: Term 3 hrs |
STA 2XXX Statistics3 |
GE Core Natural Science with Lab4 |
GE Humanities/Cultural Practice3 |
GE Ethics3 |
Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 3 |
Complete 2nd GE Mathematics ( ≥ C minus ); Statistics course at the 2000 level or higher strongly recommended |
Sample Schedule: Term 4 hrs |
PHC 4101 Introduction to Public Health3 |
GE Social Science3 |
Digital Literacy course3 |
GE Elective3 |
Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 4 |
Complete General Education requirements |
Oral Communication Competency strongly recommended (SPC1017, SPC2608) |
Digital Literacy Course strongly recommended (CGS2060 or CGS2100) |
Overall GPA of 2.00 or higher |
Sample Schedule: Term 5 hrs |
Public Health Core course3 |
Civic Literacy course3 |
PHC Elective3 |
Minor course3 |
Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 5 |
Complete PHC4101 ( ≥ C ) |
Complete one (1) Public Health Elective ( ≥ C ) |
Civic Literacy requirement |
Sample Schedule: Term 6 hrs |
Public Health Core course3 |
Public Health Core course3 |
PHC Elective3 |
Minor course3 |
Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 6 |
Complete three (3) Public Health Core courses ( ≥ C in each) |
Complete two (2) Public Health Electives ( ≥ C in each) |
Complete 20 hrs. of courses at 3000/4000 level |
Overall GPA of 2.00 or higher |
Sample Schedule: Term 7 hrs |
Public Health Core course3 |
Public Health Core course3 |
PHC Elective3 |
Minor course3 |
Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 7 |
Complete five (5) Public Health Core courses ( ≥ C in each) |
Complete three (3) Public Health Electives ( ≥ C in each) |
Overall GPA of 2.00 or higher |
Sample Schedule: Term 8 hrs |
Public Health Core course3 |
PHC Elective3 |
Minor course3 |
Minor course3 |
Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 8 |
Complete all seven (7) Public Health Core courses ( ≥ C in each) |
Complete four (4) Public Health Electives ( ≥ C in each) |
Complete 45 hrs. of courses at 3000/4000 level |
Apply for Graduation in the 1st two weeks of semester |
Overall GPA of 2.00 or higher |
Salary Information: For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Representative Job Titles Related to this Major (with Baccalaureate): health educators, hospital patient advocates, social marketing coordinators, home visitation workers, restaurant / sanitation inspectors, environmental science workers, disaster management technicians, biohazard inspector technicians, health insurance workers, data collectors, researcher lab technicians, pharmaceutical sales, data entry clerks, clinic coordinators, health care office personnel, prevention program planners, school health educators, policy advocates for special populations.
Representative Employers: Federal, State, and Local Governments, Health Corporations, Non-Profit Organizations and Health Care Facilities
Public Relations (Communication)
ACADEMIC MAP (Effective Summer 2022 and after)
*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*
This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed to the right of each term are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. The Sample Schedule serves as a general guideline to help you build a full schedule each term. The General Education and Elective courses must be selected to satisfy all area and diversity requirements unless your program meets these requirements with major courses. Milestones are courses and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major. Missing milestones will result in one of two types of map registration stops. The first level (Degree Map Off-track) is placed following grade posting if the student has missed a milestone (course and/or GPA) for the first time in the major. If a student is in non-compliance with milestones for two (2) consecutive semesters (excluding summers), a Major Change Required stop is placed on the student's registration.
The Public Relations Major is a limited-access major. Acceptance into the School of Communication is competitive and occurs once a year in the spring semester to begin the following summer or fall semester. For complete information regarding admission requirements and the application, see
Mapping Coordinator: Omar Ellison
Sample Schedule and Required Milestones by Term
Sample Schedule: Term 1 hrs |
ENC1101 Freshman Composition3 |
MAC1105 College Algebra3 |
GE History3 |
GE Core Natural Science w/Lab4 |
Required Milestones: Term 1 |
Complete ENC1101 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Overall GPA ≥ 2.80 |
Sample Schedule: Term 2 hrs |
ENC2135 Research, Genre, and Context 3 |
STA2023 Business Statistics or STA2122 Applied Statistics3 |
GE Core Humanities/Cultural Practice3 |
First Language proficiency course3-4 |
GE Natural Science3 |
Required Milestones: Term 2 |
Complete ENC2135 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete 1st GE Mathematics course (MAC1105) ( ≥ C minus ) |
Overall GPA ≥ 2.90 |
Sample Schedule: Term 3 hrs |
Second Language Proficiency course3-4 |
GE Core Social Science3 |
Diversity course3 |
GE Ethics3 |
Required Milestones: Term 3 |
Complete 2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics course (STA2023 or STA2122) ( ≥ C minus ) |
See Academic Advisor in Communication |
Overall GPA ≥ 3.00 |
Sample Schedule: Term 4 hrs |
Third Language Proficiency course3-4 |
GE Social Science3 |
GE Humanities/Cultural Practice3 |
Digital Literacy course3 |
Minor Course/Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 4 |
Apply to School by 1st business day in Feb., no later than 5:00pm to School of Communication |
Complete 52 hours and General Education Math & English |
Overall GPA ≥ 3.00 |
Sample Schedule: Term 5 hrs |
PUR3000 Introduction to Public Relations 3 |
PUR3100 Writing for Public Relations3 |
COM3310 Communication Research Methods 3 |
Minor Course3 |
Required Milestones: Term 5 |
Complete PUR3000 with a C minus or better |
Complete PUR3100 with a C minus or better |
Complete COM3310 with a C minus or better |
Civics Literacy requirement |
Overall GPA ≥ 3.00 |
Sample Schedule: Term 6 hrs |
PUR3002 Public Relations Strategy3 |
ADV3008 Principles of Advertising3 |
Comm Elective course (see list)3 |
Elective course3 |
Required Milestones: Term 6 |
Complete PUR3002 with a C minus or better |
Complete ADV3008 with a C minus or better |
Complete Scholarship In Practice Course |
Complete Pre-Graduation Checks |
Overall GPA ≥ 3.00 |
Summer hrs |
PUR4940 (Faculty approved Internship)6-10 |
SPC2608 Public Speaking (Oral Communication Competency)3 |
Sample Schedule: Term 7 hrs |
ADV3352 Mass Media Law3 |
Comm Elective course (see list)3 |
Minor Course3 |
Elective course3 |
Elective course3 |
Required Milestones: Term 7 |
Complete ADV3352 with a C minus or better |
See Academic Advisor |
Overall GPA ≥ 3.00 |
Sample Schedule: Term 8 hrs |
PUR4800 PR Campaigns3 |
SPC4605 The Principles of Speechwriting3 |
Elective/Minor course3 |
Elective/Minor course3 |
Elective/Minor course3 |
Required Milestones: Term 8 |
Apply for Graduation in 1st two weeks |
Complete PUR4800 with a C minus or better |
Complete SPC4605 with a C minus or better |
FSU GPA ≥ 3.00 |
Salary Information: National Association of Colleges and Employers, Occupational Outlook Handbook
Representative Job Titles Related to this Major: Layout Coordinator, Benefits Manager, Lobbyist, Account Manager, Employee Service/Welfare Manager, Public Relations Manager, Creative Director, Fundraiser, Marketing Researcher/Analyst, Labor Relations Consultant, Media Relations Coordinator, Production Department Assistant, Marketing Researcher, Promotions Worker, Project Manager, Personnel Manager, Special Events Coordinator, Promotional Manager, Publicity Director, Writer, Spokesperson, Media Representative, Journalist, Editor.
Representative Employers: Advertising Agencies/Departments, Marketing Departments, Publishing Companies, Consulting Firms, News and Information Offices, Radio/Television/Cable Companies, Corporate Communications Offices, Newspapers, Theatres, Government Organizations, Nonprofit Organizations, Universities, Lobby Organizations, Public Relations Firms, Video Production Companies, Human Resources Departments, Personnel Departments, Training Departments.
Real Estate
ACADEMIC MAP (Effective Summer 2024 and after)
*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*
This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed to the right of each term are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. The Sample Schedule serves as a general guideline to help you build a full schedule each term. The General Education and Elective courses must be selected to satisfy all area and diversity requirements unless your program meets these requirements with major courses. Milestones are courses and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major. Missing milestones will result in one of two types of map registration stops. The first level (Degree Map Off-track) is placed following grade posting if the student has missed a milestone (course and/or GPA) for the first time in the major. If a student is in non-compliance with milestones for two (2) consecutive semesters (excluding summers), a Major Change Required stop is placed on the student's registration.
Real Estate is a Specialized Admissions major. To be admitted to the major, you must have completed at least 52 hours, have earned a “C minus“ or better in the Admission Prerequisite Courses (CGS2060, CGS2100 or CGS2518, MAC2233, ECO2013, ECO2023, ACG2021, ACG2071 & STA2023), and have the required overall GPA.
The program involves an interdisciplinary approach to the development, financing, and marketing of real estate. Students are exposed to theoretical concepts from urban land economics, economics, consumer behavior, appraisal, investment analysis, and risk theory. The real estate process is analyzed based on this background. The program develops a systematic methodology for investment and valuation analysis within a framework that acknowledges the impact of taxation, risk, financing structure, governmental constraints, and market context. This framework provides the basis for examining decisions involving real property investment from the developer, lender, and consumer perspectives.
Students should complete diversity requirements through their General Education coursework.
Mapping Coordinator: Jennifer Janasiewicz
Sample Schedule and Required Milestones by Term
Sample Schedule: Term 1 hrs |
ENC1101 Freshman Composition3 |
MAC1105 College Algebra or higher mathematics3 |
CGS2100 Computer Apps. for Business, ECO2013 Macroeconomics or ECO2023 Microeconomics3 |
GE History3 |
Writing course3 |
Required Milestones: Term 1 |
Complete ENC1101 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete (or waive) MAC1105 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Overall GPA 2.70 or higher |
Sample Schedule: Term 2 hrs |
ENC2135 Research, Genre, and Context 3 |
MAC2233 Calculus for Business 3 |
CGS2100 Computer Apps. for Business, ECO2013 Macroeconomics or ECO2023 Microeconomics3 |
GE Core Humanities/Cultural Practice or Ethics3 |
Writing course3 |
Required Milestones: Term 2 |
Complete ENC2135 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete MAC2233 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete 1 other Admission Prerequisite, in addition to MAC2233, ( ≥ C minus ) |
Overall GPA 2.80 or higher |
Sample Schedule: Term 3 hrs |
CGS2100 Computer Apps. for Business, ECO2013 Macroeconomics or ECO2023 Microeconomics3 |
STA2023 Business Statistics3 |
ACG2021 Introduction to Financial Accounting3 |
GE Natural Science3 |
RMI2302 Risk in Business and Society3 |
GEB1030 Intro. to Professional Development (required only for those students who first enroll at FSU fall 2019 or later)1 |
Required Milestones: Term 3 |
Complete ACG2021 ( ≥ C minus) |
Complete 3 other Admission Prerequisites; MAC2233 plus 2 more ( ≥ C minus ) in each |
Overall GPA 2.90 or higher |
Sample Schedule: Term 4 hrs |
ACG2071 Introduction to Managerial Accounting3 |
GE Humanities/Cultural Practice or Ethics3 |
SIP course3 |
CGS2518 Spreadsheets for Business3 |
GE Core Natural Science w/Lab4 |
Required Milestones: Term 4 |
Complete all 7 Admission Prerequisites ( ≥ C minus ) in each |
Overall GPA 2.90 or higher |
Sample Schedule: Term 5 hrs |
REE3043 Real Estate3 |
Business Core course3 |
Business Core course3 |
Business Core course3 |
Elective 3 |
Required Milestones: Term 5 |
Complete REE3043 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete RMI2302 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete GEB1030 (required only for those students who first enroll at FSU Fall 2019 or later) |
Civic Literacy requirement |
Sample Schedule: Term 6 hrs |
REE4103 Real Estate Valuation3 |
Business Core course3 |
Business Core course3 |
Business Core course3 |
Elective 3 |
Required Milestones: Term 6 |
Complete REE4103 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete FIN3403 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete BUL3310 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Be in good academic standing (2.00 FSU GPA) |
Sample Schedule: Term 7 hrs |
REE4143 Real Estate Market Analysis3 |
RMI3011 Risk Management/Insurance3 |
REE Major course3 |
Electives6 |
Required Milestones: Term 7 |
Be in good academic standing (2.00 FSU GPA) |
Sample Schedule: Term 8 hrs |
REE4313 Real Estate Investment3 |
MAN4720 Strategic Management and Business Policy3 |
REE Major course3 |
Electives6 |
Required Milestones: Term 8 |
Complete all degree requirements |
Apply for Graduation in 1st two weeks |
Salary Information:For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Representative Job Titles Related to this Major: Financial Counselor, Marketing Research Director, Investment Analyst, Property Manager, Mortgage Loan Officer, Syndicator, Mortgage Broker, Appraiser, Sub divider, Mortgage Banker, Portfolio Manager, Developer, Real Estate Salesperson, Real Estate Counselor, Real Estate Broker.
Representative Employers: Real Estate Developers, Accounting Firms, Credit Unions, Financial Institutions, Government Agencies, Commercial Banks, Savings & Loans, Property Management Firms, Mortgage Brokers, Real Estate Brokers, Real Estate Research Corporations, Life Insurance Companies, Self-Employment, Real Estate Investment Trusts, Appraisal Firms, Mutual Savings Banks, Pension Fund Trusts.
Recreation and Tourism Management
ACADEMIC MAP (Effective Summer 2025 and after)
*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available at BOTH the main campus in Tallahassee, FL and the Panama City, FL campus. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*
This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed to the right of each term are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. The Sample Schedule serves as a general guideline to help you build a full schedule each term. The General Education and Elective courses must be selected to satisfy all area and diversity requirements unless your program meets these requirements with major courses. Milestones are courses and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major. Missing milestones will result in one of two types of map registration stops. The first level (Degree Map Off-track) is placed following grade posting if the student has missed a milestone for the first time in the major. If a student is in non-compliance with milestones for two (2) consecutive semesters (excluding summers), a Major Change Required stop is placed on the student's registration.
The Dedman College of Hospitality is nationally and internationally known. The Recreation and Tourism Management degree curriculum is designed so students not only learn the hospitality industry, but they are specifically prepared to lead in the recreation and tourism field. Graduates understand the basic functions, objectives, and tools of recreation and tourism that are common to all management roles within this field.
Professionals in this field manage facilities, programs, and services that enrich people’s lives by providing high quality memorable experiences in the leisure time of both residents and tourists.
To be admitted to the major, you must have completed at least 52 hours, have earned a “C minus" or better in the Admission Prerequisite Course (CGS2100 or CGS2518 ) and have the required overall GPA of a 2.00 or higher.
Requirements for Progression to the Upper-Division Major:
To be admitted to this program, students must have the following:
1) Completion of at least 52 semester hours;
2) A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 on all college work attempted;
3) Satisfactory completion of required prerequisite coursework.
Mapping Coordinator: Renee Dyehouse
Sample Schedule and Required Milestones by Term
Sample Schedule: Term 1 hrs |
ENC 1101 Freshman Composition3 |
MAC 1105 College Algebra3 |
ECO2013 Macroeconomics OR ECO2023 Microeconomics3 |
GE History3 |
GE Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 1 |
Complete ENC1101 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Overall GPA 2.00 or higher |
Sample Schedule: Term 2 hrs |
ENC 2135 Research, Genre, and Context3 |
GE Natural Science3 |
GE Core Humanities/Cultural Practice or Ethics3 |
GE Elective3 |
GE Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 2 |
Complete ENC 2135 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Complete 1st GE Math Course ( ≥ C minus ) |
Overall GPA 2.00 or higher |
Sample Schedule: Term 3 hrs |
CGS2100 Microcomputer Applications OR CGS2518 Spreadsheets3 |
2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics3 |
SIP course3 |
Oral Communication Competency course3 |
GE Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 3 |
Complete 2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics course ( ≥ C minus ) |
Overall GPA 2.00 or higher |
Sample Schedule: Term 4 hrs |
GE Core Natural Science and Lab4 |
GE Humanities/Cultural Practice or Ethics (LEI 2318 Events, Ethics & Sustainability Recommended)3 |
Writing course3 |
GE Elective3 |
GE Elective3 |
Required Milestones: Term 4 |
Complete CGS2100 or CGS2518 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Be in Good Academic Standing with the University |
Overall GPA 2.00 or higher |
Sample Schedule: Term 5 hrs |
LEI 1000 Introduction to Recreation and Tourism3 |
LEI 3420 Recreation Activities Leadership3 |
HFT 3424 Hospitality Financial Analysis3 |
HFT or LEI Elective 3 |
HFT or LEI Elective 3 |
Required Milestones: Term 5 |
Complete HFT3424 ( ≥ C minus ) |
Civic Literacy requirement |
Sample Schedule: Term 6 hrs |
LEI 3843 Commercial Recreation and Tourism3 |
HFT 4930 Special Topics - Parks, Recreation, & Sports Administration 3 |
HFT or LEI Elective 3 |
HFT or LEI Elective 3 |
Required Milestones: Term 6 |
No Milestones |
Sample Schedule: Term 7 hrs |
HFT 4502 integrated Marketing3 |
HFT 3700 Tourism and Environment3 |
HFT or LEI Elective 3 |
HFT or LEI Elective 3 |
Required Milestones: Term 7 |
Complete a Pre-Graduation Check |
Sample Schedule: Term 8 hrs |
HFT 4224 Leadership & Ethics3 |
LEI 4602 Planning and Maintenance of Facilities3 |
HFT 3941 Internship3 |
HFT or LEI Elective3 |
HFT 4941 Work Experience0 |
Required Milestones: Term 8 |
Apply for Graduation in 1st two weeks |
Salary Information: For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Representative Job Titles Related to this Major: Parks and Recreation Director, Guest Services Director, Athletics Supervisor, Cultural Arts Supervisor, Recreation Program Director, Recreation Supervisor, Campus Recreation Director, Facility Manager, Resort Activities Director, Aquatics Supervisor, Tour Guide/Director, Fishing Charters Manager, Marina Manager, Program Director, Outdoor Recreation Manager, Conservation Manager, Park Ranger, Camp Coordinator.
Representative Employers: National and state recreation and park agencies, nonprofit community organizations, commercial recreation businesses, visitor and convention bureau, employee recreation programs, armed forces recreation, private clubs, resorts, colleges and universities, camps, tourism agencies, retirement communities, recreation/fishing product suppliers, equestrian centers, and commercial marinas.