Academic Map

Interdisciplinary Social Science

ACADEMIC MAP (Effective Summer 2024 and after)

**Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. However, it is available via Online/Distance Learning to all FSU students.*

This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed to the right of each term are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. The Sample Schedule serves as a general guideline to help you build a full schedule each term. The General Education and Elective courses must be selected to satisfy all area and diversity requirements unless your program meets these requirements with major courses. Milestones are courses and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major. Missing milestones will result in one of two types of map registration stops. The first level (Degree Map Off-track) is placed following grade posting if the student has missed a milestone (course and/or GPA) for the first time in the major. If a student is in non-compliance with milestones for two (2) consecutive semesters (excluding summers), a Major Change Required stop is placed on the student's registration.

The Interdisciplinary Social Science major requires forty-three (43) semester hours. For the general option, work must be taken in at least three participating departments within the program. Participating departments include: Anthropology, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, Public Administration, Sociology, and Urban and Regional Planning. Up to 9 of the required 43 hours may also apply to General Education requirements. 21 hours must be taken in courses numbered above 2999. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 on all coursework applied to the major must be maintained. All coursework within the major must be passed with a grade of 'D' or higher.

Mapping Coordinator: COSS Acad Affairs Off. 101 BEL

Sample Schedule and Required Milestones by Term

Sample Schedule: Term 1 hrs
ENC1101 Freshman Composition3
GE History3
Required Milestones: Term 1
Complete ENC1101 ( ≥ C minus )
FSU GPA 2.00 or higher
Sample Schedule: Term 2 hrs
ENC2135 Research, Genre, and Context3
1st GE Mathematics3
GE Humanities/Cultural Practices3
GE Natural Science3
Required Milestones: Term 2
Complete ENC2135 ( ≥ C minus )
Complete 1st GE Mathematics ( ≥ C minus )
Sample Schedule: Term 3 hrs
GE Social Science3
2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics3
GE Ethics3
Diversity Requirement3
Required Milestones: Term 3
Complete 3 hours from participating Social Science departments
Complete 2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics course ( ≥ C minus )
Sample Schedule: Term 4 hrs
Primary Department Course3
Secondary Department Course3
Oral Communication Competency Course3
GE Natural Science3
Required Milestones: Term 4
Complete 6 hours from participating Social Science departments
Complete 6 additional hours from participating Social Science departments (strongly recommended)
Oral Communication Competency: strongly recommended (SPC1017, SPC2608)
Digital Literacy: strongly recommended (CGS 2060, CGS 2100)
FSU GPA 2.00 or higher
Sample Schedule: Term 5 hrs
ISS 3923 Interdisciplinary Forum1
Primary Department Course3
Secondary Department Course3
Remaining Department Course3
Required Milestones: Term 5
Complete ISS 3923 Interdisciplinary Forum
Complete 15 hours from at least 2 Participation Social Science Departments
FSU & Major GPA both a 2.00 or higher
Civic Literacy requirement
Sample Schedule: Term 6 hrs
Primary Department Course3
Secondary Department Course3
Remaining Department Course3
GE Natural Science Course with Lab4
Required Milestones: Term 6
Declare Primary and Secondary Concentrations at
Complete 24 hours from at least 3 Participating Social Science Departments
Need at least 6 hours in Primary Concentration
Need at least 6 hours in Secondary Concentration
FSU & Major GPA both a 2.00 or higher
Sample Schedule: Term 7 hrs
ISS4304 Contemporary Social Problems & Policy Solutions3
Primary Department Course3
Secondary Department Course3
Upper Division Writing Course3
Required Milestones: Term 7
Complete ISS4304 Contemporary Social Problems & Policy Solutions
Complete an additional 30 hours from at least 3 different Participating Social Science Departments
Need at least 9 hours in Primary Concentration
Need at least 9 hours in Secondary Concentration
FSU & Major GPA both a 2.00 or higher
Sample Schedule: Term 8 hrs
Primary Department Course3
Remaining Department Course3
Remaining Department Course3
Required Milestones: Term 8
Complete all Degree Requirements
Apply for graduation within the 1st two weeks of Semester
FSU & Major GPA both a 2.00 or higher
Employment Information

Salary Information: For more information go to: the National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Representative Job Titles Related to this Major: Management Trainee, Legislative Aid/Analyst, Research Analyst, Assistant Planner, Federal Service Worker, Agencies, and Government.

Representative Employers: Public School Systems, Higher Education, Federal Agencies, City Planning Departments, Large Corporations, County Planning Departments, and State Agencies (examples: Division of Youth Services, Div. of Family Services, Dept. of Natural Resources).

Interior Architecture and Design

ACADEMIC MAP (Effective Summer 2024 and after)

*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*

This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed to the right of each term are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. The Sample Schedule serves as a general guideline to help you build a full schedule each term. The General Education and Elective courses must be selected to satisfy all area and diversity requirements unless your program meets these requirements with major courses. Milestones are courses and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major. Missing milestones will result in one of two types of map registration stops. The first level (Degree Map Off-track) is placed following grade posting if the student has missed a milestone (course and/or GPA) for the first time in the major. If a student is in non-compliance with milestones for two (2) consecutive semesters (excluding summers), a Major Change Required stop is placed on the student's registration.

Mapping Coordinator: Eddie Page

Sample Schedule and Required Milestones by Term

Sample Schedule: Term 1 hrs
ENC1101 Freshman Composition3
1st GE Core Mathematics: MAC11053
GE Core Social Science3
ARH2051 History and Criticism of Art II (Renaissance through Contemporary)3
IND1206 Intro to Interior Design3
Required Milestones: Term 1
Complete ENC1101 ( ≥ C minus )
Sample Schedule: Term 2 hrs
ENC2135 Research, Genre, and Context 3
2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics course3
IND1203 Design Fundamentals I 3
IND1204 Design Fundamentals II 3
Oral Communication Competency3
Required Milestones: Term 2
Complete ENC2135 ( ≥ C minus )
Complete ARH2051 ( ≥ C minus)
Complete IND1203 ( ≥ B minus)
Complete IND1204 ( ≥ B minus )
Complete IND1206 ( ≥ B minus )
Overall GPA of a 3.00 or higher
Sample Schedule: Term 3 hrs
GE History3
IND2300 Graphic Techniques I3
IND2620 Responsible Design3
IND3217c Interior Design Studio I4
IND4101 History of Interiors I3
Required Milestones: Term 3
Complete MAC1105 ( ≥ C minus )
Complete IND2300 ( ≥ C )
Complete IND3217c ( ≥ C )
Complete IND4101 ( ≥ C )
Complete IND2620 ( ≥ C )
Sample Schedule: Term 4 hrs
GE Ethics Core3
IND3465 Computer-Aided Design I3
IND2310 Graphic Techniques II3
IND3440c Furniture Design 4
IND4131 History of Interiors II 3
Required Milestones: Term 4
Complete 2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics course ( ≥ C minus )
Complete IND3465 ( ≥ C )
Complete IND2310 ( ≥ C )
Complete IND3440c ( ≥ C )
Complete IND4131 ( ≥ C )
Complete Oral Communication Competency
Complete Ethics Competency
Sample Schedule: Term 5 hrs
IND3474 Construction Documents 3
IND3480 Materials and Methods 3
IND4218c Interior Design Studio II 4
IND3470 Construction Systems 3
IND3529 Portfolio Development I1
Required Milestones: Term 5
Complete IND4218c ( ≥ C )
Complete IND3480 ( ≥ C )
Complete IND3470 ( ≥ C )
Complete IND3474 ( ≥ C )
Complete IND3529 ( ≥ C )
Civic Literacy requirement
Sample Schedule: Term 6 hrs
IND3469 Computer-Aided Design II3
IND4242c Interior Design Studio III4
IND3431 Lighting3
IND3533 Portfolio Development II 1
Required Milestones: Term 6
Complete IND4242c ( ≥ C )
Complete IND3469 ( ≥ C )
Complete IND3431 ( ≥ C )
Complete IND3533 ( ≥ C )
Sample Schedule: Term 7 hrs
IND4243c Interior Design Studio IV4
IND4947 Internship (if not previously taken)3
GE Natural Science3
GE Elective3
Required Milestones: Term 7
Complete IND4243c ( ≥ C )
Complete IND4947 ( ≥ C )
Complete Pre-Graduation Check
Sample Schedule: Term 8 hrs
IND4506 Business Practices3
IND4245c Interior Design Studio V4
GE Core Natural Science and Lab4
GE Elective3
Required Milestones: Term 8
Complete IND4506 ( ≥ C )
Complete IND4245c ( ≥ C )
Apply for Graduation in 1st two weeks of semester
Employment Information

Salary Information: For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Representative Job Titles Related to this Major(Baccalaureate Level): Commercial Designer in an Interior Design firm or Architectural firm; Residential Designer; Owner of Design firm; Lighting Designer, Product or Furniture Designer; Retail Showroom Designer, Retail Visual Merchandiser; Design Project Manager; Product Expediter; Estimator; Sales Representative ; Facilities Planner; Aging in Place Specialist; Design Marketing Specialist; Building Model Builder; Project Renderer; Universal Design Specialist; LEED(Sustainable) Design Specialist; Exhibit Designer; Codes Consultant; Installation Supervisor; Feasibility Study Designer; Specification Writer; Office Furnishings Designer, Technical Illustrator, Project Coordinator, Creative Director, Design Associate, Design Assistant, Senior Designer, Junior Designer, Construction Administrator, Purchasing Agent.

Representative Employers: Interior Design Studios, Architectural Firms, Property Management Firms, Interior Product Manufacturing Companies, Realtors, Retailers of Interior Products, Division of Parks and Recreation (Historic Preservation).

International Affairs (Asian Studies with Emphasis in Business)

ACADEMIC MAP (Effective Summer 2022 and after)

*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*

This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed to the right of each term are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. The Sample Schedule serves as a general guideline to help you build a full schedule each term. The General Education and Elective courses must be selected to satisfy all area and diversity requirements unless your program meets these requirements with major courses. Milestones are courses and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major. Missing milestones will result in one of two types of map registration stops. The first level (Degree Map Off-track) is placed following grade posting if the student has missed a milestone (course and/or GPA) for the first time in the major. If a student is in non-compliance with milestones for two (2) consecutive semesters (excluding summers), a Major Change Required stop is placed on the student's registration.

The Asian Studies major consists of 36 hours beyond General Education. In addition, a foreign language up to the intermediate level is required.

Mapping Coordinator: COSS Acad Affairs Off. 101 BEL

Sample Schedule and Required Milestones by Term

Sample Schedule: Term 1 hrs
ENC1101 Freshman Composition3
1st GE Core Mathematics3
GE History3
Digital Literacy course3
Required Milestones: Term 1
Complete ENC1101 ( ≥ C minus )
Sample Schedule: Term 2 hrs
ENC2135 Research, Genre, and Context 3
2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics3
GE Core Humanities/Cultural Practice3
GE Core Social Science (ECO 2013 Macroeconomics suggested)3
Required Milestones: Term 2
Complete ENC2135 ( ≥ C minus )
Complete 1st GE Mathematics course ( ≥ C minus )
Sample Schedule: Term 3 hrs
GE Core Natural Science with Lab 4
GE Humanities/Cultural Practice3
GE Social Science (ECO 2023 Microeconomics suggested)3
Foreign Language course I4
Required Milestones: Term 3
Complete 2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics course ( ≥ C minus )
Sample Schedule: Term 4 hrs
GE Ethics 3
GE Natural Science 3
Oral Communication Competency 3
Foreign Language course II4
Asian Studies Area-Specific course3
Required Milestones: Term 4
Start Foreign Language course (strongly recommended)
Complete General Education requirements
Sample Schedule: Term 5 hrs
Foreign Language course III4
Asian Studies Area-Specific course 3
Asian Studies Business Emphasis Track course 3
Elective (ACG 2021 Introduction to Financial Accounting suggested)3
Required Milestones: Term 5
Continue Foreign Language requirement (recommended)
Complete 6 hours of Asian Studies Area-Specific courses
Complete 3 hours of Business Emphasis Track courses
Begin taking 3000/4000-level courses
Civic Literacy requirement
Sample Schedule: Term 6 hrs
Asian Studies Area-Specific course3
Asian Studies Area-Specific course3
Asian Studies Area-Specific course3
Asian Studies Business Emphasis Track course3
Required Milestones: Term 6
Complete 15 hours of Asian Studies Area-Specific courses
Complete 6 hours of Business Emphasis Track courses
Complete Foreign Language requirement
Request graduation check from Registrar
Sample Schedule: Term 7 hrs
Asian Studies Area-Specific course3
Asian Studies Area-Specific course3
Asian Studies Business Emphasis Track course3
Elective 3
Elective 3
Required Milestones: Term 7
Complete 18 hours of Asian Studies Area-Specific courses
Complete 9 hours of Business Emphasis Track courses
Complete 30 hrs. of 3000/4000-level credit
Sample Schedule: Term 8 hrs
Asian Studies Area-Specific course3
Asian Studies Business Emphasis Track course3
Asian Studies Business Emphasis Track course3
Elective 3
Elective 3
Required Milestones: Term 8
Complete 21 hours of Asian Studies Area-Specific courses
Complete 15 hours of Business Emphasis Track courses
Complete Diversity/Multicultural requirements
Complete Oral Communication (speech) requirement
Apply for graduation in 1st two weeks
Overall GPA 2.00 or higher
Employment Information

Salary Information: For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Representative Job Titles Related to this Major: Sinologist, Foreign Service Officer, Teacher.

Representative Employers: U. S. Government (including the State Department, Defense Department, Defense Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, International Communications Agency), State Government, Multinational Corporations. Educational Institutions, Non-profit Organizations.

International Affairs (Asian Studies)

ACADEMIC MAP (Effective Summer 2022 and after)

*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*

This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed to the right of each term are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. The Sample Schedule serves as a general guideline to help you build a full schedule each term. The General Education and Elective courses must be selected to satisfy all area and diversity requirements unless your program meets these requirements with major courses. Milestones are courses and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major. Missing milestones will result in one of two types of map registration stops. The first level (Degree Map Off-track) is placed following grade posting if the student has missed a milestone (course and/or GPA) for the first time in the major. If a student is in non-compliance with milestones for two (2) consecutive semesters (excluding summers), a Major Change Required stop is placed on the student's registration.

The Asian Studies major consists of 36 hours beyond General Education. In addition, a foreign language up to the intermediate level is required.

Mapping Coordinator: COSS Acad Affairs Off. 101 BEL

Sample Schedule and Required Milestones by Term

Sample Schedule: Term 1 hrs
ENC1101 Freshman Composition3
1st GE Core Mathematics3
GE History3
Digital Literacy course3
Required Milestones: Term 1
Complete ENC1101 ( ≥ C minus )
Sample Schedule: Term 2 hrs
ENC2135 Research, Genre, and Context 3
2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics3
GE Core Humanities/Cultural Practice3
GE Core Social Science3
Required Milestones: Term 2
Complete ENC2135 ( ≥ C minus )
Complete 1st GE Mathematics course ( ≥ C minus )
Sample Schedule: Term 3 hrs
GE Core Natural Science with Lab 4
GE Humanities/Cultural Practice3
GE Social Science 3
Foreign Language course I4
Required Milestones: Term 3
Complete 2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics Course ( ≥ C minus )
Begin Foreign Language course
Sample Schedule: Term 4 hrs
GE Ethics 3
GE Natural Science 3
Oral Communication Competency3
Foreign Language course II4
Asian Studies Area-Specific course3
Required Milestones: Term 4
Complete General Education requirements
Complete 3 hours of Asian Studies Area-Specific courses
Sample Schedule: Term 5 hrs
Foreign Language course III4
Asian Studies Area-Specific course3
Asian Studies Area-Specific course3
Asian Studies Concepts & Theory course3
Elective 3
Required Milestones: Term 5
Complete 9 hours of Asian Studies Area-Specific courses
Complete one Concepts & Theory course
Civic Literacy requirement
Sample Schedule: Term 6 hrs
Asian Studies Area-Specific course 3
Asian Studies Area-Specific course3
Asian Studies Concepts & Theory 3
Elective 3
Elective 3
Required Milestones: Term 6
Complete 15 hours of Asian Studies Area-Specific courses
Complete two Concepts & Theory courses
Complete Foreign language
Sample Schedule: Term 7 hrs
Asian Studies Area-Specific course3
Asian Studies Area-Specific course3
Required Milestones: Term 7
Complete 21 hours of Asian Studies Area-Specific courses
Complete 30 hours of 3000/4000-level credit
Sample Schedule: Term 8 hrs
Asian Studies Area-Specific course3
Asian Studies course 3
Asian Studies course 3
Required Milestones: Term 8
Complete 24 hours of Asian Studies Area-Specific courses
Complete 6 hours of Asian Studies courses
Complete Diversity/Multicultural requirements
Complete Oral Communication (speech) requirement
Apply for graduation in 1st two weeks
Employment Information

Salary Information: For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Representative Job Titles Related to this Major: Sinologist, Foreign Service Officer, Teacher.

Representative Employers: U. S. Government (including the State Department, Defense Department, Defense Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, International Communications Agency), State Government, Multinational Corporations. Educational Institutions, Non-profit Organizations.

International Affairs (Broad Curriculum)

ACADEMIC MAP (Effective Summer 2022 and after)

*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*

This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed to the right of each term are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. The Sample Schedule serves as a general guideline to help you build a full schedule each term. The General Education and Elective courses must be selected to satisfy all area and diversity requirements unless your program meets these requirements with major courses. Milestones are courses and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major. Missing milestones will result in one of two types of map registration stops. The first level (Degree Map Off-track) is placed following grade posting if the student has missed a milestone (course and/or GPA) for the first time in the major. If a student is in non-compliance with milestones for two (2) consecutive semesters (excluding summers), a Major Change Required stop is placed on the student's registration.

The International Affairs major requires 39 hours from the recommended list of courses with a “C minus“ or better in each course. A minimum of 12 and a maximum of 18 hours need to be completed from one department and 18 hours must be at the 3000/4000-level. Courses used for the major cannot double-count in Liberal Studies. Proficiency in a modern Foreign Language up to the intermediate level is required.

Mapping Coordinator: COSS Acad Affairs Off. 101 BEL

Sample Schedule and Required Milestones by Term

Sample Schedule: Term 1 hrs
ENC1101 Freshman Composition3
1st GE Mathematics3
GE History3
CGS2060 or other Digital Literacy course 3
International Affairs Course3
Required Milestones: Term 1
Complete ENC1101 ( ≥ C minus )
Sample Schedule: Term 2 hrs
ENC2135 Research, Genre, and Context 3
2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics3
GE Core Humanities/Cultural Practice3
GE Natural Science3
International Affairs Course3
Required Milestones: Term 2
Complete ENC2135 ( ≥ C minus )
Complete 1st GE Mathematics course ( ≥ C minus )
Sample Schedule: Term 3 hrs
Foreign Language I4
GE Humanities/Cultural Practice3
GE Core Social Science3
International Affairs Course/Alt. Dept. Course3
Required Milestones: Term 3
Complete 2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics course ( ≥ C minus )
Complete Computer Literacy course ( ≥ C minus )
Oral Communication Competency; SPC1017, SPC2608 (strongly recommended)
Start Foreign Language course (strongly recommended)
Sample Schedule: Term 4 hrs
International Affairs Course/Alt. Dept. Course3
Foreign Language II4
GE Social Science3
GE Core Natural Science w/Lab4
Required Milestones: Term 4
Complete 3 hours of International Affairs courses, outside of General Education
Complete General Education requirements
Sample Schedule: Term 5 hrs
Foreign Language III4
INS3003 Introduction to International Affairs 3
International Affairs Course3
Oral Communication Competency (SPC1017, SPC2608)3
Required Milestones: Term 5
Complete 9 hours of International Affairs courses, outside of General Education
Civic Literacy requirement
Complete Foreign Language requirement
Sample Schedule: Term 6 hrs
International Affairs Course3
International Affairs Course3
International Affairs Course3
Required Milestones: Term 6
Complete 21 hours of International Affairs courses, including INS 3003
Sample Schedule: Term 7 hrs
International Affairs Course3
International Affairs Course3
GE Ethics3
Required Milestones: Term 7
Complete 33 hours of International Affairs courses
Complete concentration area and declare at
Sample Schedule: Term 8 hrs
International Affairs Course3
International Affairs Course3
Required Milestones: Term 8
Complete 39 hours of International Affairs courses
Apply for graduation at Registrar in 1st 2 weeks of semester
Overall GPA 2.00 or higher
Employment Information

Salary Information: For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Representative Job Titles Related to this Major: Foreign Service Officer, Foreign Affairs Analyst, Foreign Service Specialist, Research & Education Assistant, Intelligence Analyst, Political Risk Analyst, Teacher, Journalist.

Representative Employers: U.S. Government (including the State Department, Defense Department, Defense Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, International Communications Agency), State Government, Multinational Corporations, Educational Institutions, Non-profit Organizations.

International Affairs (Latin American and Caribbean Studies with Emphasis in Business)

ACADEMIC MAP (Effective Summer 2022 and after)

*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*

This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed to the right of each term are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. The Sample Schedule serves as a general guideline to help you build a full schedule each term. The General Education and Elective courses must be selected to satisfy all area and diversity requirements unless your program meets these requirements with major courses. Milestones are courses and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major. Missing milestones will result in one of two types of map registration stops. The first level (Degree Map Off-track) is placed following grade posting if the student has missed a milestone (course and/or GPA) for the first time in the major. If a student is in non-compliance with milestones for two (2) consecutive semesters (excluding summers), a Major Change Required stop is placed on the student's registration.

The Latin American and Caribbean Studies with Emphasis in Business major consists of 36 hours beyond General Education. In addition, a Foreign Language up to the intermediate level is required.

Mapping Coordinator: COSS Acad Affairs Off. 101 BEL

Sample Schedule and Required Milestones by Term

Sample Schedule: Term 1 hrs
ENC1101 Freshman Composition3
1st GE Core Mathematics3
GE History3
CGS2060 or other Digital Literacy course3
Required Milestones: Term 1
Complete ENC1101 ( ≥ C minus )
Sample Schedule: Term 2 hrs
ENC2135 Research, Genre, and Context 3
2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics3
GE Core Humanities/Cultural Practice3
GE Core Social Science (ECO2013 Macroeconomics suggested)3
Required Milestones: Term 2
Complete ENC2135 ( ≥ C minus )
Complete 1st GE Mathematics course ( ≥ C minus )
Sample Schedule: Term 3 hrs
GE Core Natural Science with Lab4
GE Humanities/Cultural Practice3
GE Social Science (ECO2023 Microeconomics suggested)3
Foreign Language I4
Required Milestones: Term 3
Complete 2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics course ( ≥ C minus )
Start Foreign Language course
Sample Schedule: Term 4 hrs
GE Ethics3
GE Natural Science3
Oral Communication Competency 3
Foreign Language II4
LAC Area-Specific Course3
Required Milestones: Term 4
Complete 3 hours of LACS Studies Area-Specific courses
Complete General Education Requirements
Sample Schedule: Term 5 hrs
Foreign Language III4
LAC Studies Area-Specific Course3
LAC Studies Area-Specific Course3
LAC Business Emphasis Track Course3
Elective (ACG2021 Intro. to Financial Accounting suggested)3
Required Milestones: Term 5
Continue Foreign Language Requirement
Complete 9 hours of LAC Studies Area-Specific courses
Complete 3 hours of Business Emphasis Track courses
Civic Literacy requirement
Sample Schedule: Term 6 hrs
LAC Studies Area-Specific course 3
LAC Studies Area-Specific course 3
LAC Studies Area-Specific course 3
LAC Business Emphasis Track Course3
Required Milestones: Term 6
Complete 15 hours of LAC Studies Area-Specific courses
Complete 6 hours of Business Emphasis Track courses
Complete Foreign Language requirement
Sample Schedule: Term 7 hrs
LAC Studies Area-Specific course 3
LAC Studies Area-Specific course 3
LAC Business Emphasis Track Course3
Required Milestones: Term 7
Complete 21 hours of LAC Studies Area-Specific courses
Complete 9 hours of Business Emphasis Track courses
Complete 30 hrs. of 3000/4000-level credit
Sample Schedule: Term 8 hrs
LAC Business Emphasis Track Course3
LAC Business Emphasis Track Course3
Required Milestones: Term 8
Complete 15 hours of Business Emphasis Track courses
Complete Oral Communication Competency requirement
Complete Diversity requirement
Apply for graduation at Registrar in 1st 2 weeks of semester
Overall GPA 2.00 or higher
Employment Information

Salary Information: For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Representative Job Titles Related to this Major: Sinologist, Foreign Service Officer, Intelligence Specialist, Teacher, Journalist, Import/Export Trade Specialist.

Graduates of the Latin American & Caribbean Studies program are prepared for work similar to those in the broad field of International Affairs, but obviously in a specialized area. Government, Teaching and Business are the primary employers.

International Affairs (Latin American and Caribbean Studies)

ACADEMIC MAP (Effective Summer 2022 and after)

*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*

This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed to the right of each term are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. The Sample Schedule serves as a general guideline to help you build a full schedule each term. The General Education and Elective courses must be selected to satisfy all area and diversity requirements unless your program meets these requirements with major courses. Milestones are courses and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major. Missing milestones will result in one of two types of map registration stops. The first level (Degree Map Off-track) is placed following grade posting if the student has missed a milestone (course and/or GPA) for the first time in the major. If a student is in non-compliance with milestones for two (2) consecutive semesters (excluding summers), a Major Change Required stop is placed on the student's registration.

The Latin American and Caribbean Studies major consists of 36 hours beyond General Education requirements. In addition, a foreign Language up to the intermediate level is required.

Mapping Coordinator: COSS Acad Affairs Off. 101 BEL

Sample Schedule and Required Milestones by Term

Sample Schedule: Term 1 hrs
ENC1101 Freshman Composition3
1st GE Core Mathematics3
GE History3
CGS2060 or other Digital Literacy course3
Required Milestones: Term 1
Complete ENC1101 ( ≥ C minus )
Sample Schedule: Term 2 hrs
ENC2135 Research, Genre, and Context 3
2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics3
GE Core Humanities/Cultural Practice3
GE Core Social Science3
Required Milestones: Term 2
Complete ENC2135 ( ≥ C minus )
Complete 1st GE Mathematics course ( ≥ C minus )
Sample Schedule: Term 3 hrs
GE Core Natural Science with Lab4
GE Social Science3
GE Humanities/Cultural Practice3
Foreign Language I4
Required Milestones: Term 3
Complete 2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics course ( ≥ C minus )
Start Foreign Language Course
Sample Schedule: Term 4 hrs
GE Ethics3
GE Natural Science3
Oral Communication Competency Course3
Foreign Language II4
LAC Area-Specific Course3
Required Milestones: Term 4
Complete 3 hours of LAC Area-Specific courses
Complete General Education Requirements
Sample Schedule: Term 5 hrs
Foreign Language III4
LAC Studies Area-Specific Course3
LAC Studies Area-Specific Course3
LAC Studies Concepts & Theory Course3
Required Milestones: Term 5
Continue Foreign Language Requirement
Complete 9 hours of LAC Studies Area-Specific courses
Complete 3 hours of Concept & Theory courses
Civic Literacy requirement
Sample Schedule: Term 6 hrs
LAC Studies Area-Specific course 3
LAC Studies Area-Specific course 3
LAC Studies Area-Specific course 3
Elective 3
Elective 3
Required Milestones: Term 6
Complete 15 hours of LAC Studies Area-Specific courses
Complete 6 hours of Concepts & Theory courses
Complete Foreign Language requirement
Sample Schedule: Term 7 hrs
LAC Studies Area-Specific course 3
LAC Studies Area-Specific course 3
LAC Studies Concepts & Theory course 3
Elective 3
Elective 3
Required Milestones: Term 7
Complete 21 hours of LAC Studies Area-Specific courses
Complete 30 hrs. of 3000/4000-level credit
Sample Schedule: Term 8 hrs
LAC Studies Area-Specific course 3
Elective 3
Elective 3
Required Milestones: Term 8
Complete 24 hours of LAC Studies Area-Specific courses
Complete 6 hours of LAC Studies courses
Complete Oral Communication Competency requirement
Complete Diversity requirement
Apply for graduation at Registrar in 1st 2 weeks of semester
Overall GPA 2.00 or higher
Employment Information

Salary Information: For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Representative Job Titles Related to this Major:Sinologist, Foreign Service Officer, Intelligence Specialist, Teacher, Journalist, Import/Export Trade Specialist.

Graduates of the Latin American & Caribbean Studies program are prepared for work similar to those in the broad field of International Affairs, but obviously in a specialized area. Government, Teaching and Business are the primary employers.

International Affairs (Russian and East European Studies)

ACADEMIC MAP (Effective Summer 2022 and after)

*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*

This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed to the right of each term are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. The Sample Schedule serves as a general guideline to help you build a full schedule each term. The General Education and Elective courses must be selected to satisfy all area and diversity requirements unless your program meets these requirements with major courses. Milestones are courses and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major. Missing milestones will result in one of two types of map registration stops. The first level (Degree Map Off-track) is placed following grade posting if the student has missed a milestone (course and/or GPA) for the first time in the major. If a student is in non-compliance with milestones for two (2) consecutive semesters (excluding summers), a Major Change Required stop is placed on the student's registration.

The Russian Studies major requires 36 hours beyond General Education requirements. A Foreign Language up to the intermediate level is required.

Mapping Coordinator: COSS Acad Affairs Off. 101 BEL

Sample Schedule and Required Milestones by Term

Sample Schedule: Term 1 hrs
ENC1101 Freshman Composition3
1st GE Core Mathematics3
GE History3
Digital Literacy3
Required Milestones: Term 1
Complete ENC1101 ( ≥ C minus )
Sample Schedule: Term 2 hrs
ENC2135 Research, Genre, and Context 3
2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics3
GE Core Social Science3
GE Core Humanities/Cultural Practice3
Required Milestones: Term 2
Complete ENC2135 ( ≥ C minus )
Complete 1st GE Mathematics course ( ≥ C minus ) *see advisor*
Sample Schedule: Term 3 hrs
GE Core Natural Science w/ Lab4
Foreign Language I4
GE Social Science3
GE Humanities/Cultural Practice3
Required Milestones: Term 3
Complete 2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics course ( ≥ C minus )
Oral Communication Competency strongly recommended (SPC1017, SPC2608)
Start Foreign Language
Sample Schedule: Term 4 hrs
Russian/East Europe Area Specific course3
GE Ethics3
GE Natural Science3
Foreign Language II4
Oral Communication Competency 3
Required Milestones: Term 4
Complete 3 hours of REES Area-Specific courses
Complete General Education requirements
Sample Schedule: Term 5 hrs
Foreign Language III4
Russian/East Europe Area Specific course3
Russian/East Europe Area Specific course3
Russian/East Europe Concepts & Theories course3
Elective 3
Required Milestones: Term 5
Continue Foreign Language requirements
Complete 9 hours of Area-Specific courses
Complete 3 hours of Concepts & Theories courses
Civic Literacy requirement
Sample Schedule: Term 6 hrs
Russian/East Europe Area Specific course3
Russian/East Europe Area Specific course3
Russian/East Europe Concepts & Theories course3
Elective 3
Required Milestones: Term 6
Complete 15 hours of Area-Specific courses
Complete Foreign Language requirement
Sample Schedule: Term 7 hrs
Russian/East Europe Area Specific course3
Russian/East Europe Area Specific course3
Russian/East Europe Area Specific course3
Elective 3
Required Milestones: Term 7
Complete 21 hours of Area-Specific courses
Complete 6 hours of Concepts & Theories courses
Complete 3 hours of additional Major courses
Complete 30 hrs 3000/4000-level credit
Sample Schedule: Term 8 hrs
Russian/East Europe Area Specific course3
Additional Major course3
Additional Major course3
Elective 3
Required Milestones: Term 8
Complete 24 hours of Area-Specific courses
Complete 6 hours of additional Major courses
Complete Diversity requirement
Complete Oral Communication (speech)
Apply for graduation in 1st two weeks of semester
Overall GPA 2.00 or higher
Employment Information

Salary Information: For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Representative Job Titles Related to this Major: Foreign Service Specialist, Intelligence Specialist, Teacher, Journalist, Import/Export Trade Specialist. Graduates of the Russian and East European Studies program are prepared for work similar to those in the broad field of International Affairs, but obviously in a specialized area. Government, Teaching, and Business are the primary employers.

Representative Employers: U. S. Government (including the State Department, Defense Department, Defense Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, International Communications Agency), Multinational Corporations, Educational Institutions, Nonprofit Organizations.


ACADEMIC MAP (Effective Summer 2024 and after)

*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*

This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed to the right of each term are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. The Sample Schedule serves as a general guideline to help you build a full schedule each term. The General Education and Elective courses must be selected to satisfy all area and diversity requirements unless your program meets these requirements with major courses. Milestones are courses and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major. Missing milestones will result in one of two types of map registration stops. The first level (Degree Map Off-track) is placed following grade posting if the student has missed a milestone (course and/or GPA) for the first time in the major. If a student is in non-compliance with milestones for two (2) consecutive semesters (excluding summers), a Major Change Required stop is placed on the student's registration.

The Italian major requires thirty semester hours numbered above 2220, including ITA 2240, 3420, 3421, at least one 3000-level literature course in Italian (ITW 3100, 3101), and a minimum of twelve semester hours at the 4000 level. A maximum of six semester hours from among the following coursework may count toward the thirty semester hour requirement: ITT 3430, ITT 3500, ITT 3501, ITT 3520, ITT 3523r, IDS 2661, and/or IDS 3330. Majors must complete 12-15 hours for a minor (more if required by minor department). All courses taken to fulfill the 30 hours of major course work must be taken for a letter grade. A grade of C minus or better must be earned in each course applied toward any major or minor degree earned in the department.

Placement tests are available through the FSU Assessment & Testing Facility for French, German and Spanish. Students with prior proficiency in languages other than French, German, and Spanish must consult an advisor in the Department of Modern Languages for proper course placement. If you are placed above a milestone, it is important that you continue with the next milestone in its place. Total hours above 120 vary based on language proficiency level of student.

Mapping Coordinator: Shellie Camp

Sample Schedule and Required Milestones by Term

Sample Schedule: Term 1 hrs
ENC1101 Freshman Composition3
1st GE Core Mathematics3
GE Core Social Science3
GE Core Humanities/Cultural Practice3
ITA 1120 Elementary Italian I4
Required Milestones: Term 1
Complete ENC1101 ( ≥ C minus )
Complete ITA1120 (if needed*)
Sample Schedule: Term 2 hrs
ENC2135 Research, Genre, and Context 3
2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics3
GE Natural Science3
GE History3
ITA 1121 Elementary Italian II4
Required Milestones: Term 2
Complete ENC2135 ( ≥ C minus )
Complete 1st GE Mathematics ( ≥ C minus )
Complete ITA1121 (if needed*)
Sample Schedule: Term 3 hrs
GE Ethics3
GE Natural Science w/Lab4
CGS 2060, CGS 2100, or other University-approved Digital Literacy3
ITA 2220 Reading and Conversation 4
Required Milestones: Term 3
Complete ITA2220 (if needed*)
Complete 2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics course ( ≥ C minus )
Sample Schedule: Term 4 hrs
GE Social Science3
GE Humanities/Cultural Practice3
ITA 2240 Conversation3
Required Milestones: Term 4
No Milestones
Sample Schedule: Term 5 hrs
ITA 3420 Grammar and Composition I3
Required Milestones: Term 5
Complete ITA3420
Civic Literacy requirement
Sample Schedule: Term 6 hrs
ITA 3421 Grammar and Composition II3
ITW 3100 Survey of Italian Literature: Origins through 18th-Century or ITW 3101 Survey of Italian Literature: 19th- and 20th-Centuries 3
Elective 3
Required Milestones: Term 6
Complete ITA3421
Complete Scholarship in Practice Course
Sample Schedule: Term 7 hrs
ITA 4410 Advanced Italian Conversation (Oral Communication Competency)3
Required Milestones: Term 7
Complete ITW3100 or 3101
Complete Pre-Graduation Check
Sample Schedule: Term 8 hrs
Elective 3
Elective 3
Required Milestones: Term 8
Apply for Graduation in 1st two weeks
Employment Information

Salary Information: For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Representative Job Titles Related to this Major: Teacher in high school or junior college, College Professor, Translator, Intelligence Specialist, Diplomat, Travel Agent, Interpreter, International Flight Attendant, Foreign Travel Escort Officer, International Relations Specialist, Linguist, Customs Official, Business Representative.

Representative Employers: School Boards, Travel Agencies, Airlines, Libraries, Museums, Colleges or Universities, Departments of Justice, State or Defense, United Nations, Publishers, ACTION, Peace Corps, International Business, CIA, FBI, USIA, AID, Social Service Agencies, State Governments.


ACADEMIC MAP (Effective Summer 2024 and after)

*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*

This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed to the right of each term are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. The Sample Schedule serves as a general guideline to help you build a full schedule each term. The General Education and Elective courses must be selected to satisfy all area and diversity requirements unless your program meets these requirements with major courses. Milestones are courses and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major. Missing milestones will result in one of two types of map registration stops. The first level (Degree Map Off track) is placed following grade posting if the student has missed a milestone (course and/or GPA) for the first time in the major. If a student is in non-compliance with milestones for two (2) consecutive semesters (excluding summers), a Major Change Required stop is placed on the student's registration.

The major in Japanese Language and Culture requires thirty semester hours numbered above 2220, including a minimum of six (6) semester hours at the 4000-level. A maximum of nine semester hours in Japanese culture and literature can count toward the thirty semester hour requirement. Majors must complete 12-15 hours for a minor (more if required by minor department). Students should consult with a Japanese advisor regarding major course requirements. All courses taken to fulfill the 30 hours of major coursework must be taken for a letter grade. A grade of C minus or better must be earned in each course applied toward any major or minor degree earned in the department.

Placement tests are available through the FSU Assessment & Testing Facility for French, German and Spanish. Students with prior proficiency in languages other than French, German, and Spanish must consult an advisor in the Department of Modern Languages for proper course placement. If you are placed above a milestone, it is important that you continue with the next milestone in its place. Total hours above 120 vary based on language proficiency level of student.

Mapping Coordinator: Shellie Camp

Sample Schedule and Required Milestones by Term

Sample Schedule: Term 1 hrs
ENC1101 Freshman Composition3
1st GE Core Mathematics3
GE Core Social Science3
GE Core Humanities/Cultural Practice3
JPN 1120 Elementary Japanese I4
Required Milestones: Term 1
Complete ENC1101 ( ≥ C minus )
Complete JPN 1120 (If needed*)
Sample Schedule: Term 2 hrs
ENC2135 Research, Genre, and Context 3
2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics3
GE Natural Science3
GE History3
JPN 1121 Elementary Japanese II4
Required Milestones: Term 2
Complete ENC2135 ( ≥ C minus )
Complete 1st GE Mathematics ( ≥ C minus )
Complete JPN 1121 (If needed*)
Sample Schedule: Term 3 hrs
GE Ethics3
GE Natural Science w/Lab4
CGS 2060, CGS 2100, or other University-approved Digital Literacy course3
JPN 2220 Intermediate Reading and Conversation 4
Required Milestones: Term 3
Complete JPN 2220 (If needed*)
Complete 2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics course ( ≥ C minus )
Sample Schedule: Term 4 hrs
GE Social Science3
GE Humanities/Cultural Practice3
JPN 2300 Review Grammar and Syntax 3
Required Milestones: Term 4
No Milestones
Sample Schedule: Term 5 hrs
JPN 3202 Readings in Short Stories and Essays3
Required Milestones: Term 5
Complete JPN 2300
Civic Literacy requirement
Sample Schedule: Term 6 hrs
Elective 3
Required Milestones: Term 6
Complete Scholarship in Practice Course
Sample Schedule: Term 7 hrs
JPN 3250 Practical Skills in Japanese Communication (Oral Communication Competency)3
Required Milestones: Term 7
Complete a Pre-Graduation Check
Complete 3 hours of 4000-level Japanese language coursework (JPN)
Sample Schedule: Term 8 hrs
Required Milestones: Term 8
Apply for Graduation in 1st two weeks
Employment Information

Salary Information: For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Representative Job Titles Related to this Major: Teacher in high school or junior college, College Professor, Translator, Intelligence Specialist, Diplomat, Travel Agent, Interpreter, International Flight Attendant, Foreign Travel Escort Officer, International Relations Specialist, Linguist, Customs Official, Business Representative.

Representative Employers: School Boards, Travel Agencies, Airlines, Libraries, Museums, Colleges or Universities, Departments of Justice, State or Defense, United Nations, Publishers, ACTION, Peace Corps, International Business, CIA, FBI, USIA, AID, Social Service Agencies, State Governments.